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How to make lists with

headings in left margin

using Microsoft Word 2013
for Windows.

A short set of instructions on how to use the
Multilevel List functionality in Microsoft Word 2013
Hall, Taylor
Siles, Debbie
Bleil , Tabitha
Fugaro, Nicholas

INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................................................................ 2
PROCESS DESCRIPTION: ................................................................................................................................ 2
MATERIALS: ................................................................................................................................................... 2
DIRECTIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Step 1: ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Step 2: ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Step 3: ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Troubleshooting: ........................................................................................................................................... 5

These instructions will help new users of Microsoft Word 2013 create a list with the heading
in the left margin. This will allow users to convey related information in an easier view using
bulleted lists and headings.

The instructions below will explain in detail how to make lists with headings in Microsoft
Word 2013. It will explain the three types of lists you can create and show formatting tips for
each one.

Before you begin creating a bulleted list in Microsoft Word, you will need a few things. For
starters, you will need a computer, a keyboard, and a mouse. Microsoft Word is also
required for completing this function. Make sure you have the most recent update of
Microsoft Word (2013) since these steps may not work with an older version.


To create lists with headers in the left margin, the first requirement is the open the related
word processing software. For this example we will be using Microsoft Word 2013. Once
open, you should see a window similar to the following:

The list tools are divided into three different options:
Unordered Lists (The one used here)
Ordered Lists
Multi-level Lists
All three can be found about halfway across the top of the screen, as shown in the red box

Step 1:
To start a Multi-level list, place your cursor on where you want to start the list and left click
once to place your cursor on the spot. Next, click the Multi-level list button, which looks like
the button shown to the left.

Step 2:
Once the button is clicked, a drop down list to choose the style will appear. The drop down
appears as seen below.

Select any of them, and a number/symbol/letter in the left margin will appear where you
originally placed your cursor. Simply enter text and press the RETURN/ENTER key when
you wish to continue to the next item in the list. To exit the list and return to entering normal
text, simply press the RETURN/ENTER key twice.

Step 3:
One feature remains to be discovered: Subheadings. This feature allows the user to have
headings under headings as shown below:

1. This is the main heading
a. This is a subheading
Directly to the right of the three list buttons are two buttons that will shift the indentation of a
single heading. The buttons look like the following:

For example, if a list starts in the following format:

1. This is the main heading
2. This should be a subheading

Simply place your cursor anywhere on the line that
you want to shift left or right and click once. Now
that your cursor is on the appropriate line, click the
increase/decrease button to shift the line. For
example, the second line has had its indentation increased once:

1. This is the main heading
a. This is a subheading

NOTE: To exit out of a list with subheadings, you may have to press the RETURN/ENTER
key more than twice to return back to normal text input.

Q: Why dont I see the buttons that you are referring to?
A: You may be using a different version of Microsoft Word or a different word processing
suite altogether.

Q: Why cant I exit out of the list?
A: To exit the list and return to normal text entry, press the RETURN/ENTER key until you
are fully out of the list structure.

Q: Why are all of my list elements are preceded my dots?
A: If all you see is dots in the left margin, you have selected the Bulleted List instead of
Multilevel List

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