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56786 9: ; 5<766 =:
1hls program lnvlLes 10- Lo 13-year-olds Lo look aL arLlsLs'
Lechnlques ln Lhe Ackland's permanenL collecLlons and
speclal exhlblLlons. arLlclpanLs explore selecLed works and
ldenLlfy skllls LhaL Lhe arLlsL used Lo make Lhem. Callery
Leachers demonsLraLe and Leach sLudenLs Lhose skllls,
whlch Lhey can apply ln Lhelr own arL. A mlx of drawlng
from works on dlsplay and creaLlng one's own orlglnal
works ls offered ln each sesslon. MaLerlals are provlded.

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56 D*E,@A,# <65< B > ",0,@A,# <65<

8eglsLraLlon requlred and space ls llmlLed. 8Sv Lo Carollne
CulberL aL culberL[ or 919.962.3342. lree Lo
members | $3 non-members.

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8ulld museum memorles
wlLh Lhe chlldren ln your
llfe aL Lhe Ackland's
monLhly lamlly uay! !oln
a lamlly 1our aL 2:00 M
Lo dlscover fun ways Lo
lnLeracL wlLh arL, and
en[oy SLory 1lme
LogeLher aL 3:00 M.
Pands-on acLlvlLles aL Lhe
CreaLlon SLaLlon and
Scavenger PunLs ln Lhe
gallerles are avallable LhroughouL Lhe afLernoon. Come Lo
lamlly uay for a llLLle whlle or sLay for Lhe whole afLernoon
-- lL's all l8LL!

lease noLe LhaL lamlly uay acLlvlLles are recommended for
chlldren ages 4 Lo 8 years old.

All programs are free and open
Lo Lhe publlc unless oLherwlse
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.$12#3$4G 8 D*E,@A,# <65<
56766 9: ; H766 =:
CelebraLe Lhe !apanese naLlonal hollday honorlng
culLure and Lhe arLs. Lxplore Lhe Ackland's exhlblLlons
of !apanese arL, Lake parL ln a hands-on workshop, and
marvel aL demonsLraLlons of LradlLlonal !apanese arLs
and crafLs LhroughouL Lhe day. We'll explore halku,
orlgaml, bonsal, and more!
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.,/,01 .$12#3$4-
56786 9: ; 5<766 =: $'3 5766 ; <786 =:
ueslgned for 6- Lo 9-year-olds, ArL AdvenLures sesslons
provlde klds wlLh a gulded vlew of arL ln Lhe Ackland's
gallerles, followed by Lhe opporLunlLy Lo creaLe Lake-
home Lreasures ln an ad[acenL arL sLudlo uslng newly-
learned arL-maklng Lechnlques.
8 D*E,@A,#. Learn abouL modern !apanese posLers
and graphlc arLs, Lhen experlmenL wlLh screen prlnLlng
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5 ",0,@A,#. Look aL LradlLlonal !apanese woodblock
prlnLs and make your own prlnL.

Space ls llmlLed. 8Sv Lo culberL[ or
919.962.3342. lree for Members, $3 for non-members.

F$@&/4 "$4-
.2'3$4G <8 .,?1,@A,# <65<

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