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College of Southern Idaho Physical Education Department

Student Teacher Performance Form

Teacher Candidate ____McLeod, Jacob___ Subject/ Grade __Softball __Date__8/28/14_
Score: 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Some Deficiencies Noted 3 = Meets Expectations
1 Dre!! / "##earance 1 2 $
2 %o!iti&e 'n&iron(ent / 'nthu!ia!( 1 2 $
$ Safet) %recaution! 1 2 $
4 Teacher*Student +nteraction
,o- did )ou interact -ith the !tudent!. Did
)ou encoura/e/challen/e an)one.
1 2 $
0 Le!!on 1bjecti&e '&ident in Le!!on
1 2 $
1. "ntici#ator) Set/1#enin/
Good le!!on #lan and
!tructure, )our o#enin/
(i/ht contain (ore of a
,114 to enthu!e the
!tudent! or ca#ti&ate the(
1 2 $
2 Deli&er)*De(on!tration/'5#lanation
Good deli&er) of the infor(ation, (a6e !ure
)ou &ar) )our -ord choice! and e5#lanation
for(at to include all t)#e! of learner!3
1 2 $
$ Content, "cti&itie! 7 %ro/re!!ion
Ma6e !ure )ou de!cribe the 8,2 behind
)our #ro/re!!ion + lo&ed the #ro/re!!ion3
1 2 $
4 Teachin/ Method! 7 Strate/ie!
Can )ou enhance !tudent learnin/ b)
chan/in/ )our !trate/).
1 2 $
0 Student %artici#ation 9Ti(e*on*Ta!6: 1 2 $
; S6ill Correction 7 <eedbac6
,o- -ill )ou correct and (a6e #o!iti&e
feedbac6 a #art of )our le!!on.
1 2 $
= "!!e!!(ent Strate/ie!
,o- can )ou a!!e!!. ,o- do )ou 6no- a
!tudent i! learnin/ -hat )ou are teachin/.
1 2 $
8 Chec6 for >nder!tandin//+n?uir)
,o- can )ou reca# -ith a##lication for
each !tudent.
1 2 $
@ Clo!ure
Ma6e !ure to co&er each to#ic a! )ou did
and a!6 for an) ?ue!tion!/concern!3
1 2 $
1 '?ui#(ent Di!tribution / Collection 1 2 $
2 Deli&er) of Direction! 7 Grou#in/ 1 2 $
$ "ttendin/ to Student Aeha&ior 1 2 $
Please use the back of ths !a"e to a#s$er the follo$#"% &ase' o# the
abo(e e(aluato#) !lease !ro('e a 'etale' e*!la#ato# of +our
thou"hts/feel#"s about +our !erfor,a#ce to'a+- .o +ou a"ree/'sa"ree
$th the fee'back "(e# /0 !ts12 G(e a# e*a,!le of ho$ +ou $oul' cha#"e
+our lesso# to ,eet the su""esto#s I ha(e ,a'e /3 !ts1- 4o$ ca# +ou
ca!tal5e o# +our stre#"ths a#' ,ake ths a ,ore '+#a,c lesso# /3 !ts12
6th k#o$le'"e of +our $eak#esses $hat $ll +ou 'o to 'ra$ u!o# those
arou#' +ou for su!!ort /3 !ts12 4o$ has ths lesso# a7ecte' +ou as a#
#structor /3 !ts12
Tota Score: /!"
O#era $esson %ssessment:
>n!ati!factor) So(e Deficiencie! Boted C Meet! '5#ectation! '5ceed! '5#ectation! '5e(#lar)
1 2e! + a/ree
2 + can tr) to en/a/e () !tudent! !o that the) are intere!ted in -hat -e are /oin/ to do
$ + could ha&e had the( #la) the /a(e that + had #laned out !o that the) could /et the
conce#t of catchin/
4 + could a!6 durin/ the le!!on if an)one ha! an) concern! or ?ue!tion! D
0 Thi! le!!on ha! affected (e becau!e thi! -a! () fir!t le!!on that -a! -here + did tea(
teachin/ and it -a! a /ood e5#erience

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