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Eco School Design Rubric







Group delegated tasks and

Group delegated tasks

Group delegated tasks

Group was not effective

shared responsibility effectively

and shared

and shared

at delegating tasks and

all the time.

responsibility effectively

responsibility effectively

sharing responsibility.

most of the time.

some of the time.

5 plant species and 5 animal

The 5 plant and 5 animal

Some of the 5 plant and

Few of the 5 plant and

species that could survive in our

species selected are

5 animal species

5 animal species

Porto Alegre biome with a

mostly native to area.

selected are native to

selected are native to

detailed explanation as to why

Explanation included

area. Explanation is

area. Explanation is

each was chosen.

some detail.



Non-living items are included

Non-living items are

Non-living items are

Non-living items

that are functional for an outdoor

included and are

included and are

included are not

school campus.

generally functional for

generally functional for

functional for an

an outdoor school

an outdoor school

outdoor school




Food web illustrates

Food web illustrates

Food web illustrates

Food web illustrates all

interdependent relationships
within the ecosystem.

most interdependent

some interdependent

few interdependent

2 examples of human actions

relationships within the

relationships within the

relationships within the

that would have a beneficial




ecosystem were clearly identified

2 examples of human

2 examples of human

1-2 example of human

and explained.

actions that would have

actions that would have

activity that would have

a beneficial effect on the

a beneficial effect on

a beneficial or harmful

2 examples of human actions

organisms in the

the organisms in the

effect on the organisms

that would have a harmful effect

ecosystem were clearly

ecosystem were clearly

in the ecosystem were

on the organisms in the

identified and somewhat

identified and

identified. Very little

ecosystem were clearly identified


somewhat explained.

elaboration was

2 examples of human

2 examples of human

actions that would have

actions that would have

a harmful effect on the

a harmful effect on the

organisms in the

organisms in the

ecosystem were clearly

ecosystem were clearly

identified and somewhat

identified and


somewhat explained

Information was presented in a

Most information was

Some information is

Audience had difficulty

clear and logical way, which the

logically sequenced;

logically sequenced.

understanding the

audience could easily follow.

audience was able to

Occasional items of

presentation because

follow along with ease

information seem out of

there was no clear

most of the time.


sequence of

effect on the organisms in the

and explained.





Student used a clear voice with

Students voice was clear

Student incorrectly

Student mumbled,

good volume and maintained

but spoke quietly and/or

pronounced terms.

incorrectly pronounced

eye-contact and did not read the

used incorrect pacing.

Presentation was not

terms, was too quiet or


Visual Aids

There was some eye

loud enough or pacing

just read the


was off.


Student was exceptionally

Student showed

Student showed some

Student showed little

creative and original in design

creativity and originality

creativity and originality

creativity and

and presentation of visual aids.

in most components of

in design and

originality in design

the visual aids

presentation of visuals.

and presentation of

Presentation has very few

Presentation has few

Presentation has some

Presentation has many

spelling and grammar errors.

spelling and grammar

spelling and grammar

spelling and grammar





Spelling and

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