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IBL Service Learning Lesson 4

Service Learning Profiles: lets dig a little deeper

Instructions: I want you to pick two examples from each section of your Service Learning
Inventory (local, provincial, national, global)
You are going to create a profile for each service organization (8 in total). I want you to include
answers to each of the following in the profiles:

Name of the service organization

2. Location(s)
3. What service do they provide or need do they address?
4. What is their website/facebook contact?
5. What is their logo?
6. Create a bio including as much as you can find about how many people they help, how many
volunteers they have, how much $ in donations they receive annually, when they were
**Note it may be more difficult to information about the local organizations**
When you are finished attach the profiles to your Service Learning Inventory and hand in

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