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Adams Christine, Butch J. Robert, Happy to Be Me, St.

Meinard, IN, 2001

This is a children book about self-esteem. The book helps children develope good self-esteem to
encourage them to do things on their own.

Andreae Giles, Rees-Parker Guy, Giraffes Cant Dance, 557 Broadway New York 10012, 1991.
about a giraffe who gets laughed at because he doesnt know how to dance. A cricket gives him some
great advice and with new found confidence that different isnt always bad he starts to dance!

Beaumont Karen, I like Myself, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida, 2004
High on energy and imagination, this ode to self-esteem encourages kids to appreciate everything about
themselves--inside and out. Messy hair? Beaver breathe? So what! Here's a little girl who knows what
really matters.

Bradley Brubaker Kimberly, Ballerino Nate, China, 2006.

Nate is a little boy who after seeing a ballet school production with his class at school, decides he too
wants to take ballet. Of course his older brother has something to say, and say and say but Nate is pretty
confident with the help of his parents , that boys can take ballet. I love that Nate wants to dance but he
hates the idea that he might have to wear pink, clearly pink is not a good thing to him, he just wants to

Funke Cornelia, Princess Pigsty, Broadway New York, 2007

This book is a fantastic story about a little princess who is different. She is so disgusted with being
perfect and pretty that she chucks her crown into the pond. I love this book and cheered throughout.
When she refuses her fathers orders he punishes her by sending her to the pigsty but she loves it and
feels more at home there than in her royal chambers.

Gow Nancy, Ten Big Toes and a Princes Nose,

is a story about two very different fairytale characters. They may be a prince and a princess but they are
definitely different . I love the books rhyme

Lyon Ella George, The Pirate of Kindergarten, New York, New York 10020, 2010.
This is the story of Ginny who doesnt know that the way she things is a little different than the other
kids in her class. She is teased, her teacher reprimands her for squinting but its not until she has an eye
screening that the nurse figures out she has double vision. I like this book because it really allows
children to experience what Ginny goes through , how being different but not knowing it can be fixed

Meek Ann, Im Special Im Me, New York New York 10012, 2005.
Milo is sad as his classmates have different ideas to him about what roles he should play in their
playground games. Milo wants to be a lion but is told he is not strong enough, and has to settle for being
a monkey. He asks to be a pirate Captain but is only big enough to be a deck hand, and is told he must
be a Knight as he's not handsome enough to be a prince. His request to be an astronaut also falls on
deaf ears as his classmates think that his glasses wouldn't fit behind the helmet. Milo's mum helps him
to look at the positive side of the situation, and tells him how fantastic it can be to swing through the
trees, look out for treasure from the ship's rigging, or be a brave knight rescuing people from dragons!

Munsch Robert, Stephanies Ponytail, USA, 2010.

The story is about Stephanie whose friends, and even teachers start copying how she wears her
ponytail. She moves if to the side, to the top of her head even right in front of her face and they keep
copying her. So she outsmarts them all with shocking results.

Nelson Denise, Willow, China, 2004

Willow doesnt follow the rules in art class, instead she paints what she sees when she closes her eyes.

Parr Todd, Its Ok to Be Different, 237 Park Avenue, New York, 2001.
is a straightforward simple book about being different and why its ok.

Perl,Emily I Can Do It Myself, New York City, 2001

a delightful book teaching children how they can do things themselves. It encourages children that they
could try to do it without getting discourage.

Russo Marisabina, A very Big Bunny, China, 2010

This book is about two bunnies that dont fit in at school. This book opened a good dialogue between
my son and I as we were reading about how both the tallest and the shortest bunny in the class got
picked on. The students in their class were mean and they excluded these bunnies because they simply
didnt fit.

Shannon David, A Bad Case of Stripes, 567 Broadway, New York 10012, 2002
is about a little girl so worried about impressing others that she keeps changing and looses who she
really is. This story is a cautionary tale about being yourself, and not being yourself.

Wilson Karma, Hilda Must Be Dancing, New York, New York, 2011.
story about a big hippo that loves to dance, although her neighbors arent as keen. See Hilda is bog and
when she dances she shakes and rattles everything, its noisy and disruptive and is making her friends
very angry. They suggest that she try new hobbies, but knitting and singing wont do its simply not in
her heart, Hilda needs to move and groove!

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