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Lesson 6. CH 1. Hackers Practice 2 (p.41) / CH 3. Hackers Practice 2 (p.


P.88 Sample Answer

1. According to the reading, / the student thinks that / the convenience store outside
the library / should stay open 24 hours / during the final exam period.
2. The woman does not think it is a good idea / for two reasons.
3. First, she says that / the convenience store is open until 9 p.m. / If students plan
ahead, / they can buy / before the store closes.
4. Second, / she mentions that / it will be distracting / if students keep passing in and
out of the reading rooms / to go to the store. / It will prevent other students / from
focusing on their study.
5. For these reasons, / she thinks that / the convenience store outside the library /
should not stay open 24 hours.
P.41 Sample Answer
Q: What do you want to be in the future? Choose a career that interests you, and
explain why.
I want to be a professor in the future.
First, / my class will be never boring / and students will have so much fun.
Second, / Ill be always willing to help students. / For example, / when they are in
trouble, / they would go talk to me. / Ill always try to help them, / and students will
easily get the answer.
For these reasons, / I want to be a professor in the future.


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