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Fall Semester Geometry Final Project

The students will have the ability to describe in depth one of the topics learned from the
beginning of the semester until present. Some examples include: congruent triangles,
right triangles, or circles.

The final project consists of three parts. The three part system will include a topic with
two example problems, a writing script, and visual component.

The topic will include two parts: 1. Example of one of the lessons from the semester. 2.
Two examples worked out based on the topic selected. Example of part one: congruent
triangles, SSS, SAS, AAS, and HL. Example of part two: Two different triangles to
demonstrate how the triangles are congruent. Below is an example of the two part
component for the topic section.

Triangle DEF is congruent to triangle KJI by SSS postulate.

1. Which of the following would complete the congruence statement FD ?

Remember this is only one worked out example. Students are required to provide two worked
out examples.

The writing will include a creative description of the topic. Example: cartoon, poem, or

The visual will be a take away for the students to use for future reference. Example:
bookmark or poster.

The project will be worth 100 points. The points will be inputted in the system as two
quiz grades.

The final project is due December 15, 2014 at the beginning of class.

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