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Elouise Miny

Job Application Peer Review

Preliminary Research:

Shows knowledge and research of the company.

Acknowledges what kind of employee the company is looking for.


Clearly addresses the manager.


Does not explicitly say what position she is seeking.

She tells about the first time she met with someone from the company at a
job fair and conveys her interest in the company.
Provides details about the companys performance and goals that she
obtained through her own research.


Mentions how she developed certain skills that will benefit the company.
Explains how these qualifications will help her success in the company.


Closing is cordial.
Does not clearly set out a plan of action.


Sentences are clear and good use of vocabulary.

Tone is confident yet modest.
Could use revision for grammar and sentence structure purposes.


Paragraphs are uniform.

Initial appearance is heavy due to length of paragraphs. Revising the letter
could help omit unnecessary parts and make overall length shorter.


Letter is honest and sincere.


Demonstrates her enthusiasm for being a part of this company.

Qualifications and skills are clear and well developed.
Fails to identify what position she is seeking within the company.
Paragraphs are dense but content is relevant.

Closing can be improved by stating her next step.

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