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Crossroads Grace Leadership Development 2-15-2015

Leading Yourself
The Happiness Advantage

1. Leadership Process:




a. Leader is you
Follower is you
Results are personal accomplishments
b. Why set goals, seek results?_____________________________________
c. Which comes first? Goal attainment or ^
d. Happiness Advantage
i. Video: Shawn Achor 12 mins
ii. Observations/comments on video:__________________________
e. It is about learning how to cultivate the mindset and behaviors that
have been empirically proven to fuel greater success and fulfillment. It
is a work ethic. (p. 24)
2. Setting Goals: The Zorro Circle
a. Feeling of control whether it is actually controllable doesnt matter.
(p. 130)
What is out of control in your work or personal life?
b. Internal locus of control

External locus of control


c. Verbalizing stress & helplessness when control lost (p. 136)

d. Identify what aspects you do have control over and dont. (p. 137)
Cant Control
Can Control

Crossroads Grace Leadership Development 2-15-2015

e. Identify quick small goal to accomplish in area where control exists. (p.

Dont sabotage it: Video: Derek Siver 4 mins

3. Follow Through: 20 Second Rule

a. What you want to start doing:__________________________________
Instead of doing:________________________________________________
b. Willpower tank (p. 152).
i. When do you run out of willpower? ________________________
ii. What do you do when willpower is gone? ____________________
c. Activation Energy
i. Acting habitually
1. Excellently (p. 146):_______________________________
2. Wastefully:______________________________________
ii. To act via willpower
iii. Redirecting activation energy (p. 160-161)
1. Lower it for______________________________________
a. Decrease number of choices by:_______________
b. Rules to lower it:___________________________
2. Raise it for_______________________________________
a. Increase number of choices by:________________
b. Rules to raise it: ___________________________
4. Parallel Christian Principals:____________________________________________
5. How does this help you to:
a. Lead yourself better?___________________________________________
b. Lead others better?____________________________________________
c. Follow better?________________________________________________
d. Help your leader to be a better leader?____________________________
e. Help your follower to be a better follower?_________________________
6. Next Week:________________________________________________________
7. Journaling in your notebook

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