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by the Mayor
City of Fort Mitchell, Kentucky
Whereas Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S.N.D. has been a good neighbor and recognizable face in Fort
Mitchell, Kentucky for over forty years; and
Whereas Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S.N.D. has dedicated her life to serving the DCCH Center for
Children and Families (formerly known as the Diocesan Catholic Childrens Home) on Orphanage
Road since 1973; and
Whereas Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S.N.D. has served in many roles during her time at DCCH
including as a child care worker, a therapist and for the last twenty-four years as the Executive
Director of the organization; and
Whereas Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S.N.D. has helped to make DCCH a top-notch treatment
facility and a bright spot on the map of the City of Fort Mitchell with her enthusiasm, humor and
her unrelenting commitment to the children she serves; and
Whereas Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S.N.D. continues to lend her passion and talents to DCCH in
her new role as Director Emeritus since stepping down from her Executive Director position at the
end of 2014; and
Whereas Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S. N.D. resides in Fort Mitchell and is a parishioner at Blessed
Sacrament Church and serves as a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame Provincial Council.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED that the City of Fort Mitchell recognizes and honors
Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S.N.D. for the meaningful contributions she has made to the children
and families at DCCH and to the City of Fort Mitchell and I hereby proclaim that Tuesday, March 3,
2015 is Sister Jean Marie Hoffman, S.N.D. Day in the City of Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, and cause the
Official Seal of the City to be affixed hereto.
Given under my hand on this, the
Second Day in March, in the
Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Fifteen

Jude S. Hehman, Mayor

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