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Ms. Genglers
Behavior Plan

Documentation :


Each child, as well as the class as a whole, has the

opportunity to earn rewards for positive behavior. As the day
progresses and students make positive choices their magnet will
move up the color strip. As I move a students magnet to blue,
purple, or pink, I will praise their positive behavior. If a child
ends the day on purple he or she will earn one ticket to spend in
the class store. If the child ends the day on pink he or she will
earn two tickets and will also receive a personalized certificate of
positive behavior to take home to his or her family. Each day the
class will earn one button for a good day. However, as individual
teams demonstrate outstanding behavior they can add an extra
button to the class jar. The class as a whole will earn the
opportunity to play review games and parties by filling the class
jar with buttons.



A verbal
reminder to
adhere to the
class promise.

To stop and think

with the teacher,
what he or she could
do to prevent this
from happening in
the future.


If the student ends the

day on red the student
will need to bring a
note home that explains
the days events and
must be brought back
with a signature.

In my classroom I use a visual

behavior using the color strip
system. Each student will have a
magnet with his or her student
number on it. As the day
progresses the students can move
up or down a colors depending on
their behavior. I will record when
a student moves two or more
colors up or down in my behavior
binder. I will send a note home if
a child ends the day on one pink
or red. If a child continues to end
the day on red he or she will be
referred up to the office for
detention, RPC, or suspension
depending on the severity of the

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