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The Traditional Five Paragraph


The Three Main Parts:

Introduction, Body, and Conclusion


Introduction: Tell them
what youre going to
tell them.

Body: Tell them.

Conclusion: Tell them

what youve told them.

I. Introduction:The First Paragraph of the Essay

The first paragraph of the five paragraph is
called the introduction. It is about three to five
sentences long.
These three to five sentences make up the three
main parts of the introduction.
The three main parts of the introductory
paragraph are named as follows: the Lead-In, the
Transition, and the Thesis Statement/Essay Map.
They may be explained as follows:

A. The Lead-In:

a very general sentence or

sentences that simply introduce(s) the subject
(topic) of the essay.
1. Example: I do not remember when and
why my father disappeared from our life, but I
do remember that we have never felt his
absence because my mother was always there
for us through good times and bad times.

B. Transition: A Slightly more specific

sentence or sentences that identify/ies the
particular aspect of the topic that will be
discussed in the essay. In other words, the
transition narrows the topic.
1. Example: My mother Enriqueta F. Garcia
has three children, all girls.Throughout the

C. Thesis Statement-Essay Map.

1. The Thesis Statement is the main idea of the entire
essay. In this case, the Thesis Statement is that the
authors mother is an amazing woman.
2. The Essay Map is the list of the three main ideas
that will be developed in the Body Paragraphs: in
this essay, they are: performs the double role of a
mother and a father, holds a full-time job, and still
manages to tend to all her daughters needs.
3. Example: She is an amazing woman who performs
the double role of a mother and a father, holds a fulltime job, and still manages to tend to all our needs.

II. The Body Paragraph: Three Main


A. Topic Sentence
1. The topic sentence is the sentence that
expresses the main idea of the body
paragraph, which is one of the three main
supporting ideas presented in the Essay
a. Example: First, my mother has
always been both a Mom and a Dad
to us since we were little.

B. Supporting Details
1. The supporting details are the specific pieces of
information that clarify, explain, illustrate and
develop the main idea expressed in the
A. Example:
1. Like a father, she 1brings in the
money, 2pays the bills, 3sets
the rules, and 4disciplines us
whenever it is needed. But
though she is 5rough
and tough,
she 6has a loving and tender

Like all mothers, she 7bandages our

wounds, 8gives us kisses,9talks girl
talk to us, or 10simply holds us when we
want to be held.

C. Concluding Sentence
1. The concluding sentence gives closure to the
paragraph by paraphrasing the Topic Sentence.
a. Example: In short, despite the
absence of my father, we

III. The Concluding Paragraph: Four

Main Components
A. Paraphrase of the Lead-In
1. Example: In conclusion, as one can see,
thanks to our mother, our fathers absence
from our world was never a painful issue for
my sisters and me.

B. Paraphrase of the Transition

2. Example: My mother is a strong, loving

C. Paraphrase of Thesis Statement

and Essay Map
1. Example: who, amazingly, has been both a Mom
and a Dad to us as well as being a
competent accountant and
compassionate caregiver.

D. Statement emphasizing and

expanding the importance of the
1. Example: Her giving spirit and dedication to her
work and family have been an
inspiration to us, and we will try
very best to be just like
her so that we
can instill those
values in our own

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