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Creating Opportunity Worldwide


(2 Parts- 40 minutes)

Part 1: You are talking to N in a chat room about Education for All, a volunteer
education program you recently joined aimed at improving education opportunities in
high-needs schools throughout Malaysia. Answer N using complete sentences. Use 3040 words per answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3 answers.
N- Welcome to the program! I have been a member for 6 months now. Why did you
decide to join?
YouN- So what type of volunteer work would you like to try first?
YouN- Apparently our program will be getting funding from the Government. How do you
think we should allocate these funds?

Part 2: You have been preparing for the annual fundraiser dinner Education for All for a
few months. You receive this email from the club:
Dear Member
We are writing to inform you that we have decided to cancel next months annual
fundraiser dinner due to lack of support. Since we are only a month away, we feel it is
not enough time to gather the necessary support in time for the event. We apologize
to those who have been preparing and appreciate your hard work. If you have any
comments or suggestions, please feel free to email the club secretary.
Write an email to a friend. Write your feelings and suggest possible alternatives. Write
about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.

Write an email to the club secretary. Explain your feelings and make suggestions. Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

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