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Intern: Jenna Bain

Date: 11-10-14
Time: 10:45 11:15am

Subject: 4th Grade

# of Student(s): 56
Lesson: Inferring

Lesson Goal: Students will be able to understand a new strategy: inferring;

students will develop better listening comprehension.
Lesson Objective: Given a story, Seal by Judy Allen, students will be able
to use their listening comprehension skills to make at least one inference.
- Student Sourcebooks (pages 68-69)
- Paper and pencils
- Comprehensive Teachers Guide (pages 74-79)
- YouTube video One Man Band Pixar Studios:
Lesson Opening:
1) Welcome students back from recess ask them to have a seat at the
carpet with their Sourcebook and a pencil (and snack?)
2) Activate background knowledge
a. Connect to Big Zoo new Theme is all about animals
3) Purpose of the lesson is to begin to learn a new skill called inferring
a. To infer is to determine information from evidence and reasoning
rather than from obvious statements infer means to make an
educated guess.
1) 10 minutes - Play YouTube video, stop at:
a. 0:15 What do you think this video will be about?
b. 0:52 What will the little girl do with her coin?
c. 1:20 Now what do you think she will do?
d. 2:30 What will happen next?
e. 3:00 What will the little girl do now?
f. 4:00 What will she do with her coins?
2) Have one student share what he/ she thought per every stop of video
thumbs up/ down for others who had the same/ different thought
3) Move on to Seal read out loud while students look at pictures
a. Stop at noted places to infer
4) Refer back to the video and point out how I inferred while reading was
similar to how students inferred while watching the video. It takes

Students will turn in their inferences from the video

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