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Iota Chapter University of Rochester Rho Class Spring 2010

2851 S King Dr., Apt 1816 Chicago, IL 60616 312-785-5295

Having travelled to numerous parts of the U.S., I have established a personal

appreciation for the network of sisterships of Sigma Psi Zeta. I believe that the
values which our organization hold, as well as the causes that we support, can be
strengthened with the growth of our organization.
During three years of being an active member, I held numerous chair and
executive board positions within Iota Chapter. It was my personal endeavors to
strengthen the relationship of our chapter not only with other sisterships in the
Northeast region, but also with other multicultural Greek organizations on campus
and in the region. Being Vice President for the Multicultural Greek Council had
given me the opportunity to work closely with the university administration and
various Greek and non-Greek organizations to further the growth of the Iota
Chapter. As an alumnae, I continue to stay involved with my chapters activities
and with our sisterhood by establishing a relationship with the Alpha Beta Charter
at Northwestern University.
I firmly believe that my strengths in networking, communication, and project
management will allow me to fulfill my responsibilities as an Expansion Director
and to serve as a representative for Sigma on a national level.

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