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Personal Statement (Word Document)

Draft a 200 word-or-less statement detailing your interest in the position and why you
are best for the position

I am interested in the position of Speaker of the Council on the National Executive Board
for Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc. I am interested because I have so much passion and
effort ready to be invested in Sigma, I want to act as a liaison between the undergraduate
chapters, the Central Council, and the National Board, and I have the skill set needed for
this position. I have wanted to join Sigma since the first week of school freshman year
and it has been the best decision of my life. Since then, I have tried to be as active as
possible and put in all of my effort into building up Sigma. I want to continue with this
passion and experience it on a more national level and act as a liaison for my fellow
sisters. I have the skill sets needed: I believe that I have the leadership, communicative
and speaking abilities, management and organizational skills and networking skills
needed to succeed in this position. I have demonstrated all of these through my various
positions with Sigma, one of which is currently as President of one of Sigma Psi Zetas
largest chapters.

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