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Wednesday 15th April

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 Trip to Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum, Skinningrove

We have planned a visit to Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum, on Wednesday 7th
May as part of our Year 3 topic Iron Awesome! It will cover many aspects of the
regions history and the impact mining has had on Teesside.
The children will leave school at approximately 9:05 am and will return at 4.15pm.
If your child has a school meal they will be provided with a school packed lunch on
this day. Those children who bring their own packed lunch should do so as normal.
This trip is free of charge as it is funded by Making A Mark, a National Initiative.
School and Friends of Ingleby Mill have covered the cost of the transport. Please
could you complete the consent form below and return it, to your childs class teacher
by Friday 1st May.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Outhwaite

Mr Carter

Mrs Williams

Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum: Thursday 7th May 2015

Childs name__________________________

Class number_______________

I give permission for my child to go on the trip to Cleveland Ironstone Mining


Signature of Parent / Carer _____________________________ Date _____________

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