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Joseph Kasal

HLAC 1145
HLA - Lifelong Wellness Application/Reflection Paper

1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this course?
From taking this course I learnt that lifelong wellness doesnt mean working out every
day and putting all your time into it. Rather, lifelong wellness means that you engage in
physically activities on a regular basis, even if it is just bowling. Lifelong wellness also
means that you do something that you enjoy doing and feel better after completing.
Doing this can be more enjoyable when there are friends that you have that can engage in
physical activities with you.
2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your
For me, applying these concepts to my life have helped to relieve stress and worry from
my life about school, work and family. It also helps to make me more motivated on
Saturday mornings to do something productive. Where I would normally sleep in very
late on Saturdays, I now find myself working on homework or around my house after
bowling class. This helps to relieve stress because I already have a clear mind and less to
do during the week.
3. Discuss specific concepts learned in this course and how you are going to implement
them in your life?
One of the things that I learned from our teacher was that how the bowling lane is waxed
will affect the way a ball will spin or not. From the angle of the bowler it is practically
useable but when looked from where the pins are it is easier. This taught me that there
may be other perspectives that will give me a clearer view on a problem. I can use this
any time I have a problem by stopping and looking for other views on the problem.

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