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Thoughts on future development True value of human energy.

A message from Archer.

The value of human energy should never be underestimated. It is this energy which
gives value to currency for example.. A current, currently.. in human business, cannot
be charged without human energy.
In a world where massive imbalance exists.. naturally all wealth flows up a pyramid
structure.. to visualize it.. we could turn a funnel upside down.. and as liquid, just like
energy.. flows, it is directed into a particular direction. This is a metaphorical or even
perhaps metaphysical representation .. of what physically and mentally manifests as
poverty in the majority (on various levels) and an elite class, characterized by
massive control over wealth.. be it academic or physical control ove assets. (The
two.. academ and physical control go together)
This imbalance however.. is to an extent, seemingly preventing human progress on
levels which .. if they wer not artificially restricted.. could give way to human
advancement (with the right ethos) far beyond our current state of being.. possibly..
acheivement which is now even considered 'science fiction'.
It is with this in mind.. that a reformation of the various systems on varying levels,
within population groups.. particularly population groups which have already been
awekened to and prepared for .. better, more equatible and optimized systems for
living and thriving.
Being able to manage systems which are more equitable requires a hybridization
between collaboration (which includes mutual benefit.)... and a healthy competition
toward greater acheivements in communities. In all areas of study and application.
Currently the questions which arise are such that the level of thinking is still in the
industrial revolution.. eg: who will farm the land.. (why can robots not farm the
land?) Who will get the jobs? (Do we need jobs in an economy which is sustained by
innovative technologies which give humankind more time for innovation?) Would
you not rather live in a world where people can choose to live for hundreds of years..
instead of just decades.. even though the technology innovation for that is in
progress.. although well hidden by the look of things.. People ask the question.. if
people live for hundreds of years.. wont there be a problems with the world
becoming over populated .. (apart from the fact that currently the whole world
population can comfortably fit inside the State of Texas, people such as Elon Musk
are already working on colonizing mars. Should it not be better that we can reach the
choice of terraforming planets.. rather than worrying about population increases on a
planet which has currently plenty of space.. my thoughts are to deal with that bridge
when we come to it.. and by that time get excited most hopefully.. about terraforming
the red planet.. and potentially others.. to make them as blue and green as our own.)
While many of these technologies and concepts for innovation exist.. they are not
developed due to the manipulate of consciousness to funnel energy up the pyramid.

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