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My name is Aida. Today, I would like to talk about
education. Education plays an important role in
todays modern world. We need education to get a
career to get a promotion salary and on top of that
a better life. Without education, we would not be
able to invent many things. Because of how
important education is not merely a paper chase. It
is something that actually benefits our life in
various ways. During examination, we need to
prepare for our examination. So we need to
memorize some facts in order to score and to
achieve flying colours in our results. We tend to
memorize too much, resulting in us forgetting what
we have learn. Education in school is too limited
and exam-focused. However what I want to stress
here is that education is not merely in schools, it is
a life encompassing process. Aristotle, a Greek
philosopher once said, to learn is the greatest goal
in our life
Thank you for allowing me to speak my opinion. My
name is Muhammad Aidid, and a very good
morning to my fellow comrades. There is an
apparent need for skill in life and I am here to talk
about it. Through education, we can develop skills
to endure the hardship of modern life. Successful

people such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg

doesnt have a degree but have succeeded in their
passion and have changed our way of life. Both
Steve Jobs And Mark Zuckerberg are co-founders of
their own company, which are Apple Incorporated
and Facebook. Steve Jobs has introduced the
iPhone, a smartphone that is widely used across
the globe while Mark Zuckerberg made a platform
for people around the world to communicate and
socialize within a network that is called Facebook.
They both were products of college dropouts, Steve
Jobs dropped out of college after just 6 months
attending to Reed College in Portland while Mark
Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in his
sophomore year to complete his project. Why
would you waste your money on a degree when
you skills to pay the bills? You dont need a degree
to produce music and open a restaurant. All you
need is the will and the belief that you can succeed
no matter what life throws at you. Therefore I
believe that education is not merely a paper chase.
How about your opinion Hanini?
I fully agree to the notion that education is not
merely a paper chase. This is because you can
score every single test you take and still fail in life.
In the game of life, you not only need to be smart
in making your steps with a rational mind but also
the basic skills to succeed. In this era, there are
many people who did well in their exams but

somehow they did not have it easy in their life in

the end. I'm sure you heard of Sufiah Yusof, the
Pakistani-Malay girl genius who lived in the UK with
her family. She was on top of the news in 2001.
This because of her extraordinary mathematical
skills that won herself a place into Oxford
University at the age of 13. In 2001, she ran away
from her student flat in Oxford, after taking her
final examination paper for the academic year. She
was found working as a waitress in caf two weeks
later, but refused to return home, alleging that her
parents made life difficult for her at home and
complaining of physical and emotional abuse. She
stayed with a foster family instead. She then got
married but the marriage only lasted 13 months. in
2008, she was discovered working as a prostitute
and is said living her life happily now. Based on this
story, it is clear that even though she was a very
smart girl but her rebellious attitude and irrational
mind made her life turn upside down. In a small
conclusion, education is not merely a paper chase.
After hearing all of the points, it is true that
education is not merely a paper chase. Education is
not about getting a degree or getting recognition
for getting good grades. Education is not just
something you measure your intelligence on test
papers. Education is a life-long process that
encompasses many things. Its something you go
through every day of your life regardless of age.
Lastly, in life, we cannot succeed just by having a

degree alone. Education is more than that and life

is more to that too

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