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Future Tense

Means of expressing future:

Present Simple;
2.) Present Continuous;
3.) Future Simple;
4.) Future Continuous;
5.) to be going to
6.) to be about to
7.) to be to
1. Present Simple-poate exprima si o actiune viitoare atunci
cand este planuita in mod oficial (pentru:trenuri, avioane,
vacante, sarbatori, examene)
Eg: The train arrives at five oclock tomorrow.
The holiday starts on 15 oj June.
Schools starts in September.
2. Present Continuous-poate exprima si o actiune viitoare cand
aceasta e planuita in mod personal.
Eg: I am meeting my girlfriend tomorrow at 8 oclock.
I am seeing to later/tonight.
3. Future Simple-exprima o actiune viitoare neplanuita dar
care crede X ca va avea loc. Se foloseste cu:to be shure, to
hope, to think, maybe, perhaps, to suppose
Aff: S + Will + Vb.
Neg: S + Wont + Vb.
Int: (Aff) Will + S + Vb?

(Neg) Wont + S + Vb?

Eg: I think they will spend the summer holiday at the seaside.
We will visit Meteora whwn we go to Grece.
Future Continuous-exprima o actiune in desfasurare ce va
avea loc in viitor la un anumit moment dat. Se foloseste cu:
-At this timetomorrow/next week
-At X oclocktomorrow/next week
Aff: S + will be + Vb-ing.
Neg: S + wony be + Vb-ing.
Int: Will + S + be + Vb-ing ?
Wont + S + be + Vb-ing ?
4. to be going to-arata intentia
-intentionez sa
-am de gand sa
Eg: I am going to send him an e-mail.
5. to be about to-a fi pe punctual de a
-a fi pe cale sa
Aff: S + to be about to + Vb.
I am about to leave.
The plane is about to take off.
Neg: S + to be not about to + Vb.
The teacher is not(isnt) about to give us a test.
Int: -Aff- Is the teacher about to give us a test?
(to be + S + about to + Vb?)
-Neg- Isnt he about to finish the paper,is he?

(to be not + S + about to + Vb?)

6. to be to-sta sa se produca
Aff: S + to be to + Vb.
The woman is to cry.
The baby is to fall asleep.
The clouds are very havy. It is to rain.
Neg: S + to be not to + Vb.
Althought she is very sad, she is not to cry.
Int: -Aff- Is she to get up he very next second?
(to be + S + to + Vb?)
-Neg- Arent they to have a fight,are they?
(to be not + S + to + Vb?)

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