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September 2015

Presented by Betty Cosgrave

Registered International Trainer

Society of NLP


Presented by Betty Cosgrave

my name is Betty Cosgrave and I would like to thank you for
considering my NLP Licensed Practitioner training in 2015.
Over the years, its become apparent to me, that people make
changes in their life circumstances, for a vast array of reasons
but more often than not, its when theyre feeling stuck,
whether its in a job, or a relationship, or even with an








however, are usually the same a lack of belief in their own

capacity to make change happen, a perceived lack of choice, or
an inability to identify where they really want to go with their
The good news is, that there is a way forward and you can
discover where you really want to go in life. The choices youve
made so far were based on what you thought you could do and

if they didnt always work out the way you hoped, well that
doesnt mean anything, except that maybe if you had greater
choice, then success could have been yours.

Whether you decide to take this training, as a new career path,

or simply for self-development and personal growth, it will quite
simply be the best investment youve ever made in yourself.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015

The greatest personal

limitation is to be
found, not in the things
you want to do but
cant, but in the things
youve never
considered doing








Programming is a worldwide organization set up for the purpose

of exerting quality control over those training programs and
services claiming to represent the model of Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP).

~ Richard Bandler
The seal below indicates Society Certification and is usually
advertised by Society of NLP - Richard Bandler approved
institutes and centers. We highly recommend that you exercise
caution as you apply the techniques and skills of NLP. We also urge
When you require
new results,

you to attend only those seminars, workshops and training

programs that have been officially designed and certified by The
Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Any training programs

it requires

that have been approved and endorsed by The Society of Neuro-

new thinking

Linguistic Programming will display a copy of the certification

~ Richard Bandler

mark(s) of the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

- Richard Bandler..

(C) IPPS LTD 2015

NLP Its a kind of magic

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is defined as the study of
the structure of subjective experience and what can be calculated
from that. It is predicated upon the belief that all behaviour has
structure. People such as Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson and Fritz
Perls had amazing results with their clients and they were some of
Good feelings .
Good decisions

the people whos linguistic and behavioural patterns Richard

Bandler built formal models of. He then applied these models to his

Bad feelings .

Because these models are formal, they also allow for prediction and

Bad decisions

calculation. Since the models that constitute NLP describe how

~ Richard Bandler

the human brain functions, they are used in order to teach them.
NLP is not a diagnostic tool. It can only be applied and can
therefore only be taught experientially.

We cant solve any

problems by using the
same kind of thinking
we used when
creating them
~ Albert Einstein

Well trained Neuro-Linguistic Programmers will always teach by

installation, not by teaching technique after technique. Techniques
outdate themselves too quickly to base the field of NLP on a set
of techniques. It is based upon the attitude, the models and the
skills which allow for constant generation of new techniques which
are more effective and work faster.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming was specifically created in order
to allow us to do magic by creating new ways of understanding how

verbal and non-verbal communication affect the human brain. As

such it presents us all with the opportunity to not only
communicate better with others, but also learn how to gain more
control over what we considered to be automatic functions of our
own neurology.
(C) IPPS LTD 2015

Why choose this training?

Who can benefit
from NLP







The Licensed NLP Practitioner is a comprehensive training

programme, offering an internationally recognized Society of
NLP certificate and the opportunity to become involved in a
career, which is both financially rewarding and personally
fulfilling. Upon completion, you will have the skill-set, confidence
and ability to work with clients.
Unlike most other NLP trainings, which are held over seven
consecutive days, my training takes place over four weekends. I
believe this to be far more beneficial to the student, as it allows
for the inevitable personal growth which occurs as a result of the
influx of new ideas and concepts.
Teachers, counsellors and therapists will attain the ability to help
students, or clients transform their thinking, develop strategies
for success and dissolve emotional negativity.
Communication There are many benefits for those skilled in the
use of NLP, not least of which is the capacity for excellence in
communication. People start to value your opinions and advice a
lot more, because they get the feeling that you understand them,
you hear what theyre saying. or you see things the same way
they do. This is possible, once you understand the magic of
Representational Systems.


Confidence Understanding exactly what makes you tick, delivers

a wonderful feeling confidence and belief in your own abilities.
You can banish forever , any discomfort you may have felt when
addressing groups of people, such as delivering presentations, or
other events that require speech making etc.

Many people take this training purely for personal reasons, as it

contains many powerful techniques, which can lead to radical
individual change.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015

NLP for Personal Development

Life begins

If youve never considered NLP as a pathway to Personal

at the end

Development, then I can safely say that its time for you to take a

of your

look at what it has to offer.

After more than a decade teaching these amazing techniques, I

comfort zone

can say without doubt, that they will provide you with the
transformational tools needed to bring about lasting change in
your life.
The great news is, that whether you want to get rid of limiting
beliefs, become more motivated, or simply just feel happier in
yourself more of the time, then NLP is exactly what you need.
With NLP you can sort through mental and emotional processes,

Its not who you

to improve clarity and help with decision making. It offers

are that holds you

fantastic techniques to allow you to communicate with people in

back ..
Its who you think

youre not!

a language that resonates with them... which in turn allows you to

create better rapport and achieve the outcomes that you want! It
also helps you to understand what people really mean when they
communicate with you, hence allowing you to become more
effective in relationships.
You can improve relationships and communication with family,
friends and colleagues. You can learn to identify clearly, your own
emotional baggage and separate it from that of others, allowing
you, to be who you really are, and speak your own truth, in a way
that is more easily accepted by others.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015

T h e Wo n d e r o f N L P
NLP has many

NLP is built around communication, thinking skills, emotional

intelligence and behavioural changes.
The techniques are relevant to everyone and will be of benefit
in every area of your life.



Health Care

Develop a better understanding of what makes you tick. Gain

insight and compassionate patience with the people in your life
by responding effectively in the moment. Recognise your own
out-of-date responses to situations and replace them with skills
you know will benefit and enhance your life.
By improving how you currently perform your functions: in
interviews and meetings. Present your ideas with greater clarity
and impact. Whether you are currently employed or changing
jobs you are in effect competing for advancement and this
depends on your personal qualities, your ability to organise and
present ideas. Inspire others with these ideas and congruently
demonstrate your confidence. NLP can empower you to gain that
vital extra edge.

NLP was born out of the study and modelling of the highly
effective therapists like Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir and Fritz
Perls. Its an excellent add-in or plug-in system that compliments
just about any conventional, or alternative therapeutic discipline.
It is often said that there is nothing new in NLP and there is truth
to that with the exception that it is about process rather than
The NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses will provide
a range of approaches for assisting your clients in making quite
profound changes in their lives and in their emotional

(C) IPPS LTD 2015

NLP has many



Discover the fundamental differences between how an adult

mind responds differently to that of a child's. Communication
lines open when children are understood from their map of the
world. NLP is the language of our unconscious mind often
referred to as the 'right brain'. The study provides the rational or
'left brain' understanding of the functions of the 'right brain'. The
benefits to children living with parents who have studied NLP are
profound. NLP helps you provide your child with an attuned,
balanced and coherent childhood which in turn helps them
achieve their full potential as an adult.


Improve your ability to communicate, coach, motivate and

manage. Develop the skills and behavioural flexibility essential for
coping with todays flatter corporate structure, cross-functional
responsibilities, team structures and remote management.


NLP gives you the techniques by which to aid communication

whether with your partner, children or colleagues and friends.


Model champions more effectively, develop a winners attitude,

create focus and self-confidence at will in every competition
situation, banish self-doubt completely, visualize your path to
success with greater clarity.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015

You already possess

the most powerful
tool for change known
to mankind.....
your own mind!

In life, lots of people

know what to do,

but few people
actually do what they
know. Knowing is not
enough! You must
take action."
Anthony Robbins

(C) IPPS LTD 2015

Once a response

What is NLP?

becomes a habit,

NLP is a model of what works well in individual performance.

you stop learning.

Its based on the principle that if one person can do something,

then given similar physical characteristics, anyone else can learn to do


the same thing, by modelling and integrating into their own repertoire,

you could act

the skills and attitudes of the successful person.

differently, but in
practice you do not.

While this may or may not be true, it does lead to some quite remarkable
improvements in personal performance

Habits are extremely

useful, because they
streamline the parts of
our lives we do not
want to think about
...But there is an art to
deciding what parts of
your life you want to
turn over to habit, and
what parts of your life
you want to continue
to learn from and have
some choice about.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


What is NLP?
Simply put,
it is not reality
that limits us
but rather, our
perception of reality.

NLP is an ever-expanding series of processes which have been

designed as a means of increasing the number of choices
available to us, when dealing with any set of circumstances,
thrown up by life. It allows us to have greater flexibility of
thought and action, by providing us with a clear understanding
of the mental and cognitive processes behind our own and
others behaviour. It is an invaluable tool for the creation of
powerful, empowering states and beliefs.
Our understanding of what is real, is based on our experience in

The human brain an

life thus far, which can often be negative and debilitating. Most

almost infinite capacity

people have negative programmes of some sort, or another

for creativity and

running in their brain and these programmes are the reasons

problem solving and

that we fail to achieve our full potential. NLP allows you to create

NLP is designed to

different, more effective strategies and to believe that anything

help us access more of

those neurological
thus creating more
choice in our life.

is possible.
NLP is not an intellectual process. On the contrary, it is very
behavioural and because of this, its not so much about what you
know, but rather about what you do with, what you know.
Becoming a good NLP practitioner does require a lot of practice
and you can do that in your everyday activities and interactions
with friends and colleagues.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


Sara Cosgrove
All change takes place
first at the

23 Herbert Street,
Dublin 2
P: 086 8075649

unconscious level.
Then we become

aware of it.
Joseph OConnor

In Neuro-Linguistic
Programming, we

Michael Mc Entee
United Kingdom
P: 0044 7800 890 840

don't "treat" patients;

we give people

Derval Chambers

lessons on how to
think and make better
Richard Bandler

Paris, France
P: +33(0)6 22 88 01 52

Fran Cosgrave
Lytham St Annes,
United Kingdom
P: +44 (0) 01253 795282

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


NLP has techniques

Discover who You really are

and strategies to help

you become fully

Yo u c a n u p g r a d e y o u r m i n d s e t ,

intelligence, memory, senses and

your communication skills.

Congruence is when
you align your mind
and behaviour behind

Yo u c a n i m p r o v e , e n h a n c e o r m o d i f y
ANY aspect of yourself

positive thoughts,
so there is total
commitment to
achieving an outcome.

A good way to
experience congruence
is to utilise past
positive experiences
and incorporate these
into present behaviour.

The result is new and

empowered ways of

To understand how you can influence your external world, you

need to understand how your thinking affects your internal world.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


Presuppositions of NLP
Words are anchors for

The presuppositions are the central principles of NLP; they are its

sense experience, but

guiding philosophy, its beliefs. These principles are not claimed to be

the experience is not

true or universal. You do not have to believe they are true. They are

the reality, and the

called presuppositions because you pre-suppose them to be true and

word is not the

then act as if they were.You then discover what happens.

If you like the results then continue to act as if they are true. They
Language is thus, two

form a set of ethical principles for life.

removes from reality.

To argue about the
real meaning of a word
is rather like arguing
that one menu tastes
better than another
you prefer the food
that is printed on it...

The ability to change the process by which we experience reality

is often more valuable than changing the content of our
experience of reality.
We create influence by creating choice.
The meaning of a communication is the response we get.
We do things in a specific manner nothing is random.
The resources an individual needs to effect change, are already
within them.
The map is not the territory.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


Presuppositions of NLP
We all have beliefs
and expectations
from our personal
experience; it is

The positive of an individual is held constant, while the

value of the internal and/or external behaviour is

impossible to live

without them.

Feedback as opposed to Failure: All results present us

with an opportunity to learn. [If it wasnt the desired

Since we have to

result, then try something different].

make some
assumptions, they

We process all information through our senses.

might as well be
ones that allow us

freedom, choice and

fun in the world,

The unconscious mind balances the conscious; it is not

malicious and contains all the resources we need to live in

rather than ones that

limit us.

Modeling successful performance leads to excellence. If

one person can do something it is possible to model it

You usually get what

and teach it to others.

you expect to get.

Action is the key to understanding.
People always make the best choice for them.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


The Society of NLP

If you go through the
world looking for
excellence, you will
find excellence.

Practitioner Level Certification

[Skill Requirements]

Behavioural Integration of basic presuppositions of NLP

Rapport establishment and maintenance
Verbal and Non-Verbal Pacing and Leading

If you go through the

world looking for
problems you will find

Verbal and Non-Verbal Elicitation of responses

Calibrating through Sensory Experience
Representational Systems Sensory Predicates and Accessing Cues
Milton Model / Meta Model

Or, as the Arabic

saying puts it .. ..

Elicitation of well-formed goals, direction and present state

Overlapping / Translating Representational Systems
Eliciting, Installing and Utilising Anchors in all sensory systems

What a piece of
bread looks like
depends on whether
you are hungry
or not

Ability to shift consciousness

Sub Modalities [Timeline, Belief changes, Swish patterns etc.,]

Omni Directional Chunking
Accessing and building resources
Content and Context Re-framing
Creating and utilising metaphors
Strategy detection, Elicitation, Utilisation and Instillation
Demonstration of Flexibility in behaviour and attitude.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


S o m e Te s t i m o n i a l s
Remember, its your

Niamh Purcell

own body, your own

Betty, these past months has been an eye-opening, heart-

brain. Youre not a

opening and mind-expanding experience. My first tentative

victim of the

steps at putting my new skills into practice have been so

universe, you are the

revealing and exciting - it is thrilling and oh so rewarding to see


how well this stuff works! Thank you for introducing me to a

Richard Bandler

whole new way of life.

Michael Mc Entee
"This course has proved to be a monumental life changing
experience. This personal metamorphosis of self discovery
began to take effect as early as the first month. It has not only

Brains arent

allowed me the good fortune to delve into who I am and the

designed to get

values I truly represent, but has also steered me on a pathway to

result; they go in

success in terms of setting up my own Life Coaching business.

directions. If you

This course really has it all.... and more. Betty not only covers all

know how the brain

the theory, the language and correct jargon that is used. She

works you can set

really establishes a strong realistic foundation with a syllabus

your own directions.

that is flexible and fluid. More importantly, Betty translates all

If you dont, then

the necessary information into a style of learning that is simply

someone else will.

approachable and understandable, and leaves you feeling

Richard Bandler

undaunted at all times. In fact, each month only promotes an

ever growing level of inspiration that invigorates the mind, body
and soul. Enlisting on this course will truly, without a doubt, be
the best decision you have ever made."

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


Find your passion & Feel the satisfaction

There are people who
are recognized as being
particularly adept in
their performance. NLP
is the bridge between
being jealous of these
people and admiring
them it gives a third
way a set of
strategies to

assimilate precisely the

differences that make
the difference between

Sara Cosgrove

This course was a profound personal and professional journey for

me. An education in life for life. First of all, learning how best to live
yourself and then how to bring that awareness to others. It
will forever continue to be part of me, having integrated new
positive patterns into many areas of my life, producing
fantastic results including career progression and creation. Personal
and professional integrity are cornerstones to Betty's teaching. She
shares her incredible understanding of the human mind, body and
soul, uplifting everyone she teaches by facilitating them to
understand their own power, choices and limitless possibilities. A
life changing experience, full of wisdom, practical solutions and
results. Having an understanding of NLP enables you to facilitate
powerful positive changes in your clients.

this genius and an

average performer.

Roseleen McNally
Betty, allow me to thank you for all that I have learnt during the

It is an accelerated
learning strategy, a
mapping of tacit to
explicit knowledge a
programme that allows

course. It has been a wonderful experience for me and while Im

sorry to see it come to an end, I know that its just the beginning of
a whole new adventure. You have given me some wonderful tools
to work with but most of all you showed me, that I had the courage
within to pursue that which I desire.

you to explore one

extreme of human
namely excellence.

Kathleen Comerford
Only sign up to do this course if you want the mundane to turn into
magic, if you want to bring together the missing pieces of yourself
and then armed with new tools, make your life whole. Betty is the
Picasso of NLP.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


Find your passion & Feel the satisfaction

Exclusive Training Venue

Fr ee Tr ad e Hall, Peter Str eet,

Manchester M2 5 GP

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


Find your passion & Feel the satisfaction

Travelling to/from the Radisson Blu Edwardian Manchester Hotel

By Metro:

The hotel is central, convenient and Peters Square Metro stop is a two
minute walk from the hotel. Please click here for a map of the metro.

By Bicycle:

Park your bicycle in the communal stand outside Manchester Central

which is opposite the hotel.

By Car:

From the M60, exit at Junction 12 onto the M602. Follow it to the end and
the hotel is right in front of the Manchester Central Convention Centre.

Sat Nav:

Some Sat Navs will not pick up Peter Street, M2, central Manchester.
Please type in Quay Street, Central Manchester, which is the nearest
main road to the Radisson Blu Edwardian Manchester Hotel.

By Air:

Manchester International Airport is a 20 minute drive.

By Train:

It takes a little over two hours to reach Manchester from London.

There are also direct connections to most major cities in the UK.
Services arrive at Picadilly or Victoria stations and connect with
Metrolink trams for easy access to the city.


The closest car park to the hotel is Great Northern Warehouse which is
situated at the rear of the hotel. Parking form 13.50 (9am 6pm) or
18 for 24 hours. You can book your place in advance.

Click here for hotel info

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


Society of NLP
"Human beings have


RadissonBlu Edwardian Manchester,

Free Trade Hall, Peter Street

a peculiar trait; if

Manchester M2 5 GP

they find something

they do doesn't work,
they do it again!"

"You know what?


10am 5pm each day






Included (2 yrs)



12th & 13th

if certain things


10th & 11th

happen... The trick


14th & 15th

is : you have to feel


12th & 13th

Certain people think

they will feel good

good for no reason"

People respond to


00353 86 8124054


E Mail

Co. Reg. No.


their experience, not

to reality itself.

(C) IPPS LTD 2015


September 2015

NLP Practitioner

Realise your fullest potential and

become the person you truly want to be
Realise your fullest
potential and become
the person you truly
want to be.

This course is suited

equally to those who
wish to build personal
confidence and
effectiveness, or who
would like to embark on
an exciting and
rewarding new career.

Please reserve my place on the next

Society of NLP Practitioner Training
commencing September 2015


Discover how to:

Master your emotions

and run your own brain.
Change unwanted
behaviour in yourself
and others.
Become more powerful
in your communications
and approach to life.

Deposit (400)

Remove obstacles to
learning in all areas of
your life.
Change your life with
the power of a positive

Deposits can be paid by cash, cheque, or bank



To guarantee your place , fees must be paid

in full, no later than 2 1 / 0 8 / 2 0 1 5

** 10% discount available, if paid in full

on, or before July 31st. 2015


* Unfortunately
we cannot accept Amex


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