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Classroom Procedures

How we start the day

The first 10 minutes of the day following the bell are the students time. Here is what is


When you come into class, put your things at your desk
Use your 10 minutes to work on whatever activity you desire. (Work on a puzzle,
play a short game, read in our library nook, draw or color, journal, or take time to
catch up with your classmates)
Free time is over when teacher starts cue music [Jeopardy theme].
Use the 1.5 minute song to wrap up, clean up, and get to your seat.
Be in your seat and ready for the official start of class.

Permission to Leave Seat

Students will not be allowed to get up during class without permission. As our
classroom rules states, students are not dismissed by the bell but by the teacher.

To avoid verbal interruptions, students can indicate their needs using hand signals for
the restroom pass, drink of water, and sharpen pencil. The following slides detail these
hand signals as well as procedure for exiting the classroom in an orderly fashion upon

Students need permission to leave the classroom.
1. Raise hand in Sign Language R to indicate need for the
2. When I acknowledge and approve, the student may take
bathroom pass and go to the restroom

We have a water fountain fixture connected
to our classroom sink. Students need permission
to get out of their seats during instruction time.
1. Raise hand in Sign Language W to indicate need for the
2. When I acknowledge and approve, the student get up to get a
drink of water

Sharpen Pencil
Students need permission to get out of their seats
during instruction time.
1. Raise pencil vertically
2. When I acknowledge and approve, student get up to sharpen

Dismissal Procedure
When teacher dismisses class for recess or for lunch, she will call on the line
leader of the week to begin the line up. Line leader decides how to call the class
to line by groups (e.g. anyone wearing red, people with L in their name).
When students are called to line up they must:

Stand, push in chair

Get into the line
Remain quiet so others can hear
Exit in line formation when instructed to by teacher

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