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DUE Monday 27th July

All students do all tasks this week!

Task 1:

Classify the triangles according to side length and angle size.

Side length: equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

Task 2:

Angle size: right-angle, acute or obtuse.

Quadrilaterals: label each statement as true or false.

A parallelogram is always a square

A rectangle is always a parallelogram

A square is a rhombus

Quadrilaterals have equal sides

The angle sum of a quadrilateral is 180

The diagonals of a kite meet at right angles

A trapezium has one pair of parallel sides

A kite is a parallelogram

A rhombus cannot have four equal angles

Hexagons are quadrilaterals

Task 3:
a) Show 3 ways to name this angle

b) Draw a rectangle in your book.

Show the equal sides and parallel sides using
the correct symbols.

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