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1.- Would you prefer to get marry before 30 or after 30?

-i'd rather get marry before 30
-i'd rather get marry after 30
-i'd rather not get marry.
2.-Would you prefer to be with a smart and hardworking man, or a very handsome
but not to smart man?
-i'd prefer to be with the smart man
-i'd prefer to be with the handsome man.
i'd prefer to not. i'd prefer _________________________________________
3.- If you don't get marry, what would you prefer?
-i'd prefer to study all of my life to know more.
-i'd prefer to get a good job.
i'd rather not. i'd prefer___________________________________________
4.-Would you rather have kids early or wait a time?
-i'd rather have kids as soon as posible.
i'd prefer to wait a time before i have kids.
i'd rather not to have kids. Id prefer to________________________________

5.- Would you like to live in a big city or a small town?

Id rather live in a big city.
Id prefer to live in a small town.
Id rather live some years in the city and others in the village.
Id prefer to not. Id prefer____________________________________________

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