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Week 3

Child personality development

School Influence
-classroom condition
Classroom environment should be concussive, so the children will have the spirits to
learn and give their attention in P&P process.
-school students discipline
The school management of rule and regulations in school for students play big role
in creating child personality. The rules that are too tight will make the children
against the rule.
-How the teachers play their roles.
Teacher is the main factor to shape child personality in school because teachers are
the main guide for children.

Child personality

Family influence
Family is the domain influence that
receives by children. This is because
children spend most of their time in

Physical influence
Health (disease)
This health problem will limit the children
abilities and also can make their emotional
Lack of food
Children that have lack of nutrient food will
cause them to have lack of energy. This will
overcome them to become active.

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