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Multiple Perspectives

Describe how the film 500 days of summer used split

screen to tell a story from multiple perspectives.
Split screen was used to show the expectation that was in the
mans head to the reality that was shown in real life, it showed
him giving a present to a girl in both sides of the screen and his
expectations were that shed give him a hug, but in reality she
just tapped him on the shoulder and said thank you; this had
quite a comedic effect on the audience as it is a very relatable

How is this different to the method used in The Thomas

Crown Affair? Which is better?
The 500 Days Of Summer scene is very different to the method
used in The Thomas Crown Affair as what is shown in 500 Days
Of Summer is fiction vs non-fiction, whereas in The Thomas
Crown Affair they are both scenes that actually happened, in
the telephone scene split screen is used to show the two
different ends of the phone conversation; they are just both
played at the same time which makes the two stories seem
I think it depends on what type of film you are making to say
which type is better as the Expectations vs Reality effect could
make an entire film, it would also be very effective in a comedy.
The technique used in The Thomas Crown Affair is a great way
of showing two different sides of a story at the same time and
is a great editing technique.

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