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How To Get A Girlfriend

By Jad T Jones
Sample Version 1.00
July, 2011
Limits of Liability & Disclaimer of Warranty
All the advice in this book is for entertainment purposes only.The author and publisher of this ebook and the associated
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Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................3
Step 1 - The Mindset Of Successful Seducers .....................................................4
Step 2 - How To Be Confident ...............................................................................8
Step 3 - Womens Biggest Need Exposed ..........................................................10
Step 4 - ABCs Of Style & Body Language ..........................................................12
Step 5 - How To Naturally Start Conversations With Any Woman .......................14
Step 6 - How To Stay Out Of The Friend Zone ....................................................15
Step 7 - How to Keep The Conversation Flowing ...............................................18
Step 8 - The Secrets Of Flirting Revealed ...........................................................21
Step 9 - How To Ask Her Out ...............................................................................24
Step 10 - How To Use Facebook & Texting To Get Her On A Date With You ......27
Step 11 - How To Go On Your First Date & What To Do ......................................28
Step 12 How To Know When Shes Ready To Be Kissed .................................31
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................34

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Hi, my name is Jad T Jones. Now, I know you're thinking, who is this
guy, why should I care, and is this a good book to read? I'd like to
start off by telling you that I understand completely where you're
coming from, because I have been in your shoes. I grew up as a very
shy person. I was mostly raised by my mother. My father was always
away on business and trips, and when he was at home he didn't
really talk to us about anything.
So, what happened?
For years and years growing up, I was extremely frustrated with my
situation with women. On one side, I had a huge desire and love for
girls. I wanted to have a girlfriend so badly ever since I was a young
But at the same time, I was extremely shy and insecure. I had no one
to help me out with this problem. I was too ashamed to ask for help
from other people. After all, men should be macho. Men should just
naturally know how to get a girlfriend. Well, I didn't.
It took me years and years before I figured out how to consistently get
a girlfriend in my life. I would have a girlfriend here and there, but
most of the time I would spend years, months, or even years alone
just waiting, hoping for something to happen. Until one day, I made a
decision that I needed to get this part of my life handled.
So, for the past few years, I have almost exclusively focused on the
mastery and understanding of women and dating. And now, I know
how to get a girlfriend more easily. And I'm writing this book to every
man out there who hasn't had a role model, who didn't have anyone
to teach him and guide him on the way of getting a girlfriend.

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Step 1 - The Mindset Of Successful Seducers

The first step to getting a girlfriend starts from within yourself. In order
to be successful in getting a girlfriend, you have to have the proper
mindset. I want you to write this down somewhere or memorize it.
Mindset trumps mechanics every time. What does this mean? This
means that your mindset is more important than the specific actions
you take.
Another way to say this is that your beliefs determine your outcomes
in life. If you believe that you can get a girlfriend then you will very
likely end up with a girlfriend. If however you don't believe you can
have a girlfriend, but then you go out every weekend and try to get a
girlfriend, it'll be very hard for you to get one. And it simply comes
down to your belief systems.
So the starting point of all success with women and dating is to
believe that you can get a girlfriend.
So how can I believe it, you ask? Here is how. Our mind works in
pictures. You cannot have anything in the external world unless you
can first see it in your internal world, in your mind.
Therefore right now we are going to do an exercise. I want to you to
imagine yourself with your ideal woman, your ideal girlfriend. I want
you to take out a piece of paper and write down in detail exactly what
you are looking for in your next girlfriend. Details are very important
because the mind works in details.
The more clearly an image you have in your mind, the better your
mind can help you in getting what you want. The mind does not
recognize vagueness very well. When we have vague pictures of
what we want in our minds, our brains have very hard time giving us
what we desire.
So I would like you to devote some actual time to sitting down and
listing out exactly how your ideal girlfriend would be, would look like.
Draw a mental image. I want you to mention what kind of personality
you'd like her to have, what kind of body type, what kind of
intelligence, education, age range. You can mention hair color, race,
whatever it is that is important to you.

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I need you to write down an exact description of your ideal woman.

This is not for you. This is for your mind. Your mind works with
specifics. The more clear the image is in your head, the higher the
possibility and the quicker you will get your next girlfriend. Again, you
need to see it in your mind in order to believe it.
The next mindset you need to have around women is you need to
understand that not all women are going to be ready to be your
girlfriend. After years of being in the world of women & dating, I have
discovered that there is a basic ratio you should expect when hitting
on women.
If you ask 10 women out, you will have an average of seven that are
not interested and one to three that are. Now a lot of men take
rejection very personally. But rejection is not personal at all. You
never know why a woman rejects you or says no to you. It could be
for many reasons.
Maybe she just broke up with her boyfriend. Maybe she has a
boyfriend she's deeply in love with. Maybe she's in a bad mood.
Maybe she has her period. Maybe someone in her family just died.
Maybe she's in a rush. Maybe she was hurt by a man 10 years ago
and can't trust men. Maybe you remind her of someone that she
doesn't like.
And the list can go on and on and the possibilities are infinite. So it is
very important when going forward and looking for a girlfriend to know
that not every woman is going to be interested in you, and it's not
personal. People have things going on.
Just imagine a woman who is very beautiful but not your type came
up to you and you graciously and kindly declined her, her advances.
Should she take this personally? Of course not. It's not personal.
So I want you to have the same outlook with women. A big mistake a
lot of men make is that they only go for one girl. They put all their
eggs in one basket and they have their happiness and selfesteem
dependent on one woman, and if that woman says no or isn't
interested, the man is crushed. This is a recipe for failure.
In the world of dating and seduction, you can never narrow your
choices down to only one girl. There may be one girl that you are
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primarily interested in, and by all means go for her and try to make
her your girlfriend. But understand that there is no guarantee that that
one girl will be your girlfriend.
All the most successful men in the world keep their options open.
They always go after many women, because they understand that to
some degree it is a numbers game. Some woman may not be
interested in you today. But she will be interested and ready for a
relationship with you two months down the line.
In order to be successful in getting a girlfriend, you have to pursue at
least three or more women. If you neglect this, you will find that
unless you get lucky and you get a hole in one, you will find that you
will still be alone. So please do not neglect this. My recommendation
is go after 10 women and then you are guaranteed to at least get one
to three that you can choose from.
Another very important mindset to have is the following. You need to
know that women are waiting and longing to be romanced and swept
off their feet. The whole time they're growing up, they're watching
those romantic Disney movies where Prince Charming comes in,
sweeps them off their feet, and they live happily ever after.
Well, women are still waiting for this to happen to them. You have to
understand that these days women are in very pressured lifestyles
and the fairytale has died. But secretly they are longing for a man to
come and sweep them off their feet. That woman that you have a
crush on, that you want to make your girlfriend, she might seem like
she is just satisfied, disinterested.
But deep down inside, she's waiting. She's hoping that some man will
have the balls to go up to her, tell her how much he likes her, and just
sweep her off her feet and take her on an adventure. Women need
romance in their lives.
A study was conducted in New York City with highincome female
executives. And they were all asked the same question. Would you
give up all this money and all this professional career that you've
worked so hard for in exchange for a perfect romantic partner and
relationship. And all of those highpowered female executives said

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"yes." This shows you that women desire a romantic relationship

above all else, and it is our job to give them that gift.
When you take the mindset that you are a gift to women, and you
have such a valuable and powerful gift to give to them, then that puts
the power back in your hands. And you can go out and seduce
women with the confidence of knowing that you are giving them what
they deeply and mostly greatly desire, something that's missing in
their lives. You are bringing that into their lives and they love you for
Remember, in courtship the woman is the passive and the man is the
active. You have to take the first step. You have to take action. No
woman wants to initiate the seduction. This is your job. It may be
scary sometimes to go out and ask a girl out. Believe me, I know.
This was one of my biggest fears.
But after you have read this book, you will know how to do. So please
remember all these mindsets. And having these mindsets will allow
you to move forward with a positive attitude and not get your heart
broken. You will hopefully learn how to move with ease and grace in
the land of women.

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Step 2 - How To Be Confident

We all know that women love a confident man. But the big question
is: if I don't feel confident around women, then how can I be
confident? This is something I struggled for for over 10 years. After
much study and realworld application, I have discovered what
confidence really means.
When we think of confidence, we always think of a man who isn't shy,
who is outgoing, who is strong, powerful, loud, aggressive, etc. These
can be true, but this isn't the core of confidence. When a woman says
she wants a confident man, she's really saying one simple thing.
Women want a man who is confident enough in himself to be able to
be honest with her. That is all a girl is asking from you.
The true root of all confidence is honesty, and I will tell you why. The
man who is able to be honest and speak honestly in all situations is
the man with the highest selfesteem and the highest confidence.
I will give an example. Sometimes when I'm talking to a woman and I
feel nervous, I will just tell her honestly, "Hey, you know what? You
are so beautiful and stunning, and I'm feeling really nervous right
now, and I'm running out of things to say. Would you be a sweetheart
and help me out?" Now, most men would think this is a terrible thing
to say to a woman, and it shows her that you're weak, but it's not.
Every time I have told a woman exactly what I am thinking and what I
am feeling, they have opened up to me in amazing ways.
When a woman sees that you are confident enough in yourself to
admit that you have weaknesses and that you are human, what
happens is they immediately open up to you and connect with you,
because they recognize something in you that is in themselves. And
that one thing they recognize is vulnerability. The thing we all have in
common is that we are all vulnerable and scared.
Everybody has weaknesses. Everybody has fears. But it is the rare
individual who has the courage to admit his fears to women. I have
found this one strategy of telling women whatever I'm thinking to be
extremely effective, to be so effective, it's unbelievable.

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So my advice to you is this. If you are the kind of person who has low
selfesteem or lacks confidence with women, have no fear. You do
not have to wait until you have more confidence before you go out
there and try to get a girlfriend. I tried to wait it out for years and
years, and I will tell you this. Your confidence does not increase with
age. The more you wait, the more insecure you'll feel. You are ready
now to go and get the girl of your dreams.
There are many times where I've successfully seduced a woman
where I was insecure, nervous, fidgety, fumbling over my words, had
sweaty palms, etc. But I ended up connecting with her. And the
reason is that women recognize that I'm being honest with them, and
that honesty is sexy. Because the man who has the courage to admit
what he's really feeling, and being open vulnerably to her, that is
intensely attractive to her. So the only confidence you need is the
confidence to speak the truth in times of pressure.
When a woman wants a confident man, all she's asking is the
following. She wants you to present yourself to her in a full and
honest light with all your imperfections. She wants to see who you
really are, and not who you're pretending to be.
Remember this: nobody likes fake people. If someone walks up to
you and is very fake, will you like them? No, never. So this similarly
goes with women. If you're walking up to a woman and trying to fake
your confidence, she will feel it, and she will not like you. She will
reject your energy. So make sure that when you approach women,
you do it in an honest, open, genuine way. You do not need to be
perfect. You just need to be honest and transparent.
The fear of asking a girl out might never go away. You have to feel
the fear and do it anyways. But if you're doing it through honesty you
will eventually have success with women. Honesty leads to
confidence, which leads to attraction, so be honest to get a girlfriend.

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Step 3 - Womens Biggest Need Exposed

What is women's biggest need? Women's biggest core need is the
need to feel safe. What does this mean, exactly?
A core need is a need that supersedes all other needs. When a core
need is not met, no other needs can be met as well. A specific
example of this is the following. Woman's need to feel safe
supersedes their need for pleasure, their need for money, their
attraction. It supersedes all their desires. Unless a woman feels safe,
she will not engage with you in any way. So your number one priority
in getting a girlfriend is first creating a connection with her. She needs
to feel safe around you.
In the previous chapter, we talked about the importance of being
honest and transparent with her. Honesty goes a long way in making
a woman feel safe around you. That's why it is such a powerful tool to
use. When you are being honest, women can feel that you are
honest, and then what happens is they open up to you, because they
feel safe.
A mistake I made for over 10 years, and a mistake that men make
every single day is that they try to impress women. They try to act
confident. They act fake in front of women. And when a woman feels
that you are acting fake, in her subconscious mind, what is going on
is the following: "Oh, this man must be hiding something. I don't know
exactly what it is, but I can feel that he's not being genuine. I feel
threatened, so now I'm going to close up emotionally and physically,
because I feel like I am in danger." You do not want to elicit this
reaction in women. You want to elicit the opposite reaction.
Your number one priority when talking with a woman who you're
interested in is first, make her feel safe. The way to do this is, be
yourself. Be completely transparent and completely honest with her.
Do not be fake. When you are honest with a woman, even if you are
vulnerable, nervous, or say something silly, she is going to think, oh, I
can feel that this man is being honest with me, so it is safe to be
around him, so I'm going to open up emotionally and physically to
him, and I can stay in this situation, and let's see what happens.

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A lot of men are focused on impressing women and causing attraction

in a woman. But before you can cause attraction in a woman, you
need to make her feel safe around you. Once she feels safe around
you, then the stage is set for her to become attracted to you, because
now she is relaxed and emotionally open and ready for your
So remember, when talking to a woman, your number one priority is
first, make her feel safe and comfortable around you. Once you have
done this, you are way ahead of the game. Safety creates
connection, and connection leads to attraction. So if you want to
attract a woman, make her feel safe and connect with her first, and
then the stage is set for something wonderful to happen.
Exercise: Go out and try to be as honest as you can with the women
you talk to. You can start with women who aren't that intimidating to
you, and just practice speaking your mind. You can do this with
people in general, men too. If you feel insecure, scared, nervous, or
awkward in a situation, speak your mind. Blurt it out to the other
person. Chances are, they are feeling the same thing. Chances are,
they will feel relieved to see the human side of you.
Society is filled with fake people, and it is the rare individual who is a
gem among the lumps of coal. It is he who is confident enough to just
speak honestly. People connect with us most when they see that we
are vulnerable and we are human, so stop trying to be perfect.
Perfect is overrated. Confidence is overrated. The only thing you
need to do is be transparent and real to people, and you will be
amazed at how many doors that opens for you.
Women are so tired of all the men who are acting and faking. So
when you come along and you are honest, you are a bit vulnerable,
and you are just you, then she will find you a lot more attractive than
all the other fake guys..
Practice this, make it a habit, and it will help you connect with women
a lot better.

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Step 4 - ABCs Of Style & Body Language

Now you have the correct mindset to go out and get a girlfriend. And
you have the ability to be confident for the simple fact that you have
the ability to be honest, so you are already confident now. And thirdly,
you know exactly what she needs and how to give it to her. So now,
it's time to prepare yourself to actually go out and get her.
Body language and style are very important for one simple reason.
93% of our communication is nonverbal. What this means is that the
words we say only account for 7% of what we are communicating.
The other 93% is our body language and our tone of voice. In this
chapter, I will teach you the basics of body language and style that
women find attractive.
So, let's start with style. It is important to take care of your body. You
need to stay healthy. You don't need to have sixpack abs or huge
muscles, but it is important that when people look at you, they do not
see a slob. They see someone who takes care of himself. Exercise
regularly. Eat healthy food. Look your best. It's not about having a
perfect body, but it is about making the best with what you have. First
impressions are very important, so you want to make sure that you
make the best first impression that you possibly can.
Style, clothes and accessories: Women judge you on how you dress.
Make sure that your clothes fit your body. Loose clothing is not
generally attractive, unless it's a particular style such as if you're a
rapper, then it's fine. But if you're not a rapper, and you have an
oversized shirt and your pants don't really fit you either, and if you
have old sneakers or boots that you should have thrown away three
years ago, then those are blocking you from attracting women. Try
your best to have new clothes, keep your clothes clean and well
fitting to your body.
Shoes are another important thing. Keep your shoes clean. Women
judge a lot by a man's shoes. If you have nice shoes but they're filthy,
she will think that you're a slob in your life. So keep your shoes clean.
Keep all body hairs trimmed and short. Make sure you always smell
good and are clean as well. Women have a more sensitive sense of
smell than men, so make sure that you always smell good.

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So, those are just the basics of style Dress in clean clothes, keep
your body clean, keep your body hairs trimmed, exercise regularly, try
to eat healthy, and just make the best of what you have. Women will
appreciate you for it.
The next important aspect of attraction is body language.
Body language comes down to your tone of voice and the way you
hold yourself.
Basically, when you completely accept yourself and like yourself, then
all your body language will automatically be on cue; you will come
across as congruent.
Remember: just be honest, transparent and go for what you want; its
that simple.
Do that and you will appear confident to everyone.
When you accept yourself; others have no choice but to accept you.
Once you adopt these mindsets and style habits, people will perceive
you as more attractive and more confident. Once you have this style
and body language done, you will see that women will be attracted to
you before you even say a single word. Remember, body language
accounts for 93 % of communication, so do not neglect it. It is much
more important than the simple words you say when you talk to the
girl you like.

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Step 5 - How To Naturally Start Conversations

With Any Woman
When you want to go and talk to that girl you like, the first thing you
need to do remember is that you are a man; and a man goes after
what he wants in life.
You dont need permission to go talk to her.
You dont need an excuse. It is your right to go up to her.
Because you WANT TO.
Its like picking up your cell phone. Do you have to sit there and think
about how youre going to do it, or if its okay to do it, or whats the
right way to do it?
NO. You just do it.
Society has programmed you to thinking you need to do or be
something in order to have the right to go talk to a girl; this is
complete bullshit. If you want to talk to her, go talk to her. You have
just as much right as anyone else.
The top secret pickup line I usually use is:
Hi, Im Jad. Hows it going? It works every time ;)
You dont need any fancy or funny lines.
Instead of making this chapter too long, I created a video about it.
Go to YouTube and watch it now:

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Step 6 - How To Stay Out Of The Friend Zone

A lot of men make the mistake of not expressing their interest in a woman
and ending up in the friend zone. If you do not somehow communicate to the
woman that you are interested in her, then she is going to think you are just
being friendly. And then she will slot you in the friend zone.
The friend zone is somewhere you want to avoid at all costs, because once a
woman puts you into the friend zone, it is almost impossible for you to get
out. A good way to prevent this from happening is by giving her a genuine
compliment .
A woman will understand that you are not just talking to her because you
want to be friends with her but because you are interested in something more
intimate. It is critical that you set the frame of the relationship very early on.
By complimenting her early on, you are setting the frame that this is a
romantic interaction and not just an innocent friendly exchange.
So, by giving her a compliment you are keeping yourself out of the friend
zone and you are also letting her know that this is a romantic interaction and
not just a platonic one. Don't be afraid to compliment a woman. Dont be
afraid to flirt with women. WOMAN LOVE TO BE COMPLIMENTED and
flirted with!
The beauty industry is a multibillion dollar industry. It is therefore a reason
because women love to look good, and women long to be appreciated. Think
of women as flowers and you the warm sun. Flowers need the warm rays of
the sun to shine upon them in order for the flowers to blossom.
Women need the heat of your genuine appreciation in order for their souls to
blossom. I never get a bad reaction when I compliment a woman. Giving a
woman a genuine compliment, especially at a time when she doesn't expect
it, makes her open up to you in ways that are astounding. Women long,
yearn and need your appreciation and your compliments. So do not be afraid
to give them.

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A good way to compliment a woman is to compliment her on something

very specific. You can compliment her on the way she speaks, the way her
eyes sparkle, the way her dress complements her body so well. You can
compliment the way she moves, the way she walks.
You can compliment her on the way she smells, her beautiful smile, the
sparkle in her eye. The more genuine and specific your compliment is, the
better it will be received. Women receive thousands of compliments during
their lifetimes, but most of those compliments are superficial and general.
A beautiful woman has heard 'Oh my God, you are so beautiful' a thousand
times. But it is the rare man who will point out the specifics of what makes
her so attractive that will sweep her off her feet. So be specific in your
compliments and you will see that they have such a huge impact in regards
to opening up women to you.
Another advantage of giving women compliments is this When you give a
woman a compliment, you are putting yourself out there. You are putting
your ego on the line and she recognizes this fully.
Women appreciate men who are brave and confident enough to speak their
minds. By complimenting her in a genuine way, you are being honest. And
honesty lets her feel safe, and when she is safe, she opens up emotionally
and when she has opened up emotionally she is ready to be attracted to you.
By complimenting women regularly, you are setting yourself apart from over
95% of the men out there who just give general thoughtless compliments.
The time to give a woman a compliment is as soon as possible. If you start
talking to a woman, you can compliment her within the first five seconds of
talking to her.
If you prepare a compliment at home and then go and try to use it on a
woman, chances are it won't be nearly as impactful as if you just speak your
mind at the moment.

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Exercise: Make complimenting people, a habit. From now on, whenever

you are in the supermarket, on the street, at school or at work or wherever,
anytime you see something that you admire in another person, make it a
point to compliment them. Make it in a very casual, matter of fact way and
just make it a habit to appreciate people.
I have personally adopted this habit and still practice it today. Every time I
see a beautiful woman, I compliment her. Every time I see a person I admire,
I compliment them. I compliment men, I compliment women, I compliment
anyone who deserves a compliment.
Do not hold compliments back; because once it becomes a habit, then it
comes out a lot more genuinely when you need it most. So the next time you
meet the woman of your dreams that compliment will just flow off your
tongue and she will just love you for it.
A compliment shows your intention with a woman. Make sure you include it
in your repertoire of tools. If you do not express explicit interest in a woman,
she might slot you in a friend zone and the friend zone is usually a life
sentence. So stay away from it at all costs!

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Step 7 - How to Keep The Conversation Flowing

Okay, so now that you've complimented her and she has responded
positively, you know that she might be interested.
If a woman receives your compliment in a negative way, then chances are
she's not interested in you. And you should probably cut your losses and
move on to the next girl. But provided that she is responding to you
positively so far, it is time to continue the conversation forward.
Keeping a conversation flowing was my biggest fear when it came to
women. Growing up I was very shy, insecure and quiet. I will tell you now
in all honesty that I am a very quiet person. Even when I'm with my closest
friends I tend not to talk very much. So keeping a conversation flowing was
my biggest fear when it came to seducing women.
In this chapter we are going to learn how to keep the conversation flowing
easily and effortlessly so that both of you may be relaxed and enjoy the
process. First, let's put down some guidelines for your conversation.
When you're talking to the girl you like, you must keep the conversation
lighthearted and playful. Do not talk about anything negative. You want her
to associate you with feeling good, not feeling bad. So make sure most of
your conversations with the girl you're interested in are lighthearted, playful,
and fun.
The more you guys can laugh together the more successful your seduction
will be. But if you're not naturally that funny, I know I'm not that funny, then
don't worry. Being funny is not a prerequisite to successfully attracting a
girl. All you need to do is be positive, lighthearted, playful, and a bit
Next we will explore how to stay lighthearted, playful and flirtatious. The
foundation of any enjoyable conversation is that both people are present in
the moment with each other. I would like you to think about an instance
when you were with your best friends. And you were all chilling out on the
couch, enjoying each other's company, laughing and having a great time.

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Notice that at that time your body was relaxed, and you were not all up in
your head thinking about, "What am I going to say next?" You were just in
the moment, spontaneous, and allowing every moment to unfold as it does
What makes men turn serious when they're talking to attractive women is
this: when you go up in your head and start thinking about and planning
what you're going to say next, what happens is you get sucked into your
head. If you are up in your head thinking about what you're going to say
next, then you have lost the present moment.
You are no longer there, present with her. You have left. Your body is there
physically, but mentally you're not there anymore. This is a very big mistake
that most men make. And it is a deadly one, because if a woman you are
talking to feels like you're not present with her, she will disconnect from
you. She will not feel you anymore. And if she cannot feel you anymore then
she's not going to feel attracted to you.
When talking to a woman you need to keep the connection between you and
her solid. And you do this by being completely present in the moment with
her, and staying out of your head. Thinking is highly overrated. The truth of
the matter is you do not ever have to think about what you are going to say
When you're present you hear what the other person is saying more, and
most importantly you stay connected with the woman. The best way to keep
a conversation comfortable and flowing with a woman is to stay completely
present with her.
The idea is to have so much attention focused on her that you completely
forget about yourself. Focus on how deep she is breathing, how fast or slow
she is breathing. Are her eyes and pupils dilating? Is she playing with her
hair? What is her body language? Is she touching herself in any way? Is she
fixing her dress?
When you put that much attention on a woman she cannot help but be
seduced by you. Because it is the rare man who gives her such undivided
and genuine attention.
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The way into a woman's heart is by being fully present and witness to her.
When she feels you present with her, then she feels you, and is connected to
you, and trusts you, and is open to starting some kind of intimate
relationship with you.
Remember, women need to feel safe. When you're all up in your head
talking to her and you're not present with her, she can feel that. She can see
that you're distracted. This makes her nervous. This makes her feel like
you're hiding something. So this makes her close down because her need for
safety is not being met.
Conversely you can be completely present with her, and make her feel safe
and connected with you.
You must have faith. It comes down to science. Our logical mind is not
where the creativity happens. Our creativity happens in our subconscious
mind. And the prerequisite for creativity is full inthemoment presence; is a
silent mind. So you have no choice but to be present with women, because
that's what it takes to connect with them, and that's what it takes to get your
creativity flowing. Anything else will not work.
Exercise. Go out and practice full presence in all of your communications
with people. See how long you can stay connected and present with someone
without thinking of what you're going to say next. This is challenging at first,
but quickly becomes a habit.
The more present you can stay with a woman the easier it will be to attract
and seduce her. Men who truly are present with women and truly connect
and listen to women are few and far between. By being that man you are
literally separating yourself from the millions of men out here. Go out,
practice and make this a habit.

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Step 8 - The Secrets Of Flirting Revealed

Now that she has responded positively to your compliment, and you are
having a conversation that has an easy natural flow to it, where you are being
playful and lighthearted, it is time that you flirt with her a bit. Flirting is
basically playful conversation and playful teasing that has a sexual
undertone to it.
When men are attracted to a woman, they make the mistake of being too
nice to her. This does not work. If you are interested in a woman, and you
are being so nice to her, she is just going to think you just want to be friends.
It is not going to arouse any kind of emotional response in her.
love drama; they love the ups and downs of emotions. When you are talking
to her, you want her to feel a roller-coaster of emotions.
If your conversation is monotonous, bland and just nice, then she is not
going to walk away thinking about you at all. You need to make yourself
memorable in her mind, and you do this by playfully teasing her, which is
the same as saying flirting with her. Flirting is simply playful teasing with a
sexual undertone.
Flirting can happen at the verbal level, with words and at the nonverbal
level using body language. Some verbal examples of flirting could include
things such as 'Wow you are really special. Did you go to the school in the
short bus?' 'Oh my God, you are so cute, I just want to take you home and
make you my pet ; )'
You can also use playful, joking, disapproval to tease her such as 'Oh my
God, I can't believe you just said that. That's it; I think we need to break up. I
want all my CDs back.' 'Oh my God, you live in xyz part of town? Oh I am
sorry. I totally can't hang out with you. You are too much a nerd for me.' 'Oh
you like xyz movie. Oh, that's it. I am sorry, I think we have to stop this
conversation, I know. Have a nice life.'

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These are all examples of playful flirting, playful teasing. Notice, they are in
no way, shape or form, hurtful or offensive to her. You are not trying to
offend her, or hurt her in any way. You are not trying to hurt her selfesteem
in any way. Flirting is done in a way that is very obvious that you are joking.
From time to time, a woman will misunderstand you and take offense to
what you say. If that happens, you can simply apologize and genuinely tell
her that you didn't mean to hurt her feelings and that you were just joking
around. When a woman sees that you generally didn't mean to hurt her
feelings, her ego, her selfesteem, she will easily forget about it.
But remember, teasing is playful and not made to hurt anyone. So don't
make it too personal and keep it very fun, playful and light. The way you can
flirt with a girl nonverbally is through your body language. You can look at
a girl in a way that is slightly sexual but at the same time playful and
lighthearted. You do not want to look at her like you are looking at a piece of
steak that you want to jump on and devour.
One thing that really excites woman is emotions; is touch. If you are in an
appropriate environment to touch her, then do so as much as possible. When
I say touch her, I mean touching her in nonsexual areas of her body first.
Take her hand; touch her elbow, her shoulder, her forearm, the small of her
back. Give her a touch here and there. Let her know that you are not afraid
to touch her. When we speak to someone and we touch them simultaneously,
it impacts them on a much more emotional level.
Remember, you want to be emotionally impactful in order for a woman to be
attracted to you and to remember you and to think about you when you walk
away. Also, you want to show her that you are not just a potential friend, that
you are interested in her romantically.
If a woman accepts your compliments cheerfully, and sits there and has a
conversation with you, and playfully teases you back and forth and flirts
with you, then that's a pretty big sign that she may be interested in you.
to create a roller-coaster of emotions when you talk to them. Playfully tease

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at any opportunity that arises. Don't be afraid to tease. The last thing a
woman wants is some boring guy to just be nice to her. Everyone is nice to
her. Be different!
Exercise: When you go out and have conversations with women, or even
with men, make an effort to see how much you can playfully tease with
them. Make it a habit of not taking your conversations and interactions with
people so seriously. Don't take yourself or other people too seriously.
See how much playful banter you can throw back and forth between you and
another person. Flirting is a skill that will be developed over time and
practice. So practice at every chance you get. Just because you are not
seducing a specific woman, you can still tease her playfully, just to get your
practice going.
Remember, the more you practice something, the better you get at it. So,
once a woman youre attracted to shows up in front of you, you'll be ready to
tease her playfully, and flirt with her and make her feel that emotional rollercoaster that will have her absolutely loving your company.
The main thing to learn about flirting is this. Flirting is a playful,
lighthearted activity. It is meant to be fun for both people. So have fun with
it. Women love a man with a sense of humor. And when you flirt with a
woman, you are demonstrating to her that you have a great personality.

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Step 9 - How To Ask Her Out

Now that you've successfully walked up to her and had a playful,
entertaining conversation with her, it is time to ask her out. Do not wait too
long to do this. Hesitation is the enemy of seduction. The more quickly you
act, the higher your success rate will be with women. The man who hesitates
often loses many opportunities that would have otherwise been there for
him. So if you have had a great conversation with a girl, and she is smiling
and enjoying your company, it is time to ask her out. Don't delay. Don't
Many men make the mistake of believing that they could do it later. But this
is the biggest mistake you can make. Remember, women are highly
emotional creatures. Women are also very impulsive and in the moment
creatures. Just because a woman is laughing and having a great time with
you now, it does not mean that she'll be in that same mood the next time you
see her.
The way a woman is feeling in the moment will determine her response to
you. If you believe that you can have a wonderful conversation with a
woman today and then wait one week and then ask her out, seven days later,
what you are doing is putting a huge, unnecessary risk on yourself.
Seven days later she might have her period, something bad might have
happened to her, she might be tired, or she might have forgotten about your
great conversation altogether. And then when you ask her out, it's going to
be incongruent, it's going to seem like it's coming out of the blue. And it just
probably won't work, where the chances are a lot less likely.
You need to ask a woman out when the flirtation is fresh in her mind. The
best time to do it is always now. The sooner you ask a woman out the better.
This is of course a generalization, but it is generally true.
So now that you've been having a wonderful conversation it's time to ask her

When you get to this stage remember the following:

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The outcome is not important. All that matters is the action.

All you have control over in life is your actions. The outcome is outside of
your control. To worry about something that is outside of your control is
All you have to do is take the action and then get a response. There is no
magic formula other than this. As long as you do the action, you are a
Because the only thing you control is your actions.
Take enough actions and you will eventually get the outcome you want. Its
that simple
Heres a tip:
Instead of asking a woman a question, "Would you go out with me?" what
you're going to do is you're going to offer her an invitation.
Instead of saying to a girl, "Would you go out with me for dinner next
Friday?" you can say, "I am going out next Friday for dinner. You should
join me."
You are demonstrating that you are a cool guy and that you have things
going on in your life; you are just inviting her to join your fun life.
It shows that you are not dependent on her for your happiness. And women
love to see that in a man.
Exercise. Make it a habit to invite people to activities that you are already
going to do. Once you make this a habit, it will come across a lot more
naturally when you're saying it to the woman who you're interested in.
Remember, all you're doing is saying, "I'm going to XYZ place on this day.
You should come. It would be fun." That's all you're doing, is inviting them.
It's casual, it's low pressure, and it's no problem if they say no.

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If a woman tells you that she would love to come, but she's busy on that day,
you can just casually say, "OK, no problem, let's just keep in touch and we
can hang out some other time. What's the best way to contact you?" Then
she will either give you her number, or her Facebook, or whatever method
that she finds best for her.

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Step 10 - How To Use Facebook & Texting To Get

Her On A Date With You
Usually if a woman is interested in you she will either give you her phone
number or her Facebook. If a woman ever says "It's OK, I'll just take your
number" then don't do it. She is not interested. If a woman is unwilling to
give you her phone number or her Facebook that usually means she is not
interested in pursuing a relationship with you.
So now that you have her Facebook or her phone number or both you can
start to communicate with her. There is no rule of how long you need to wait
before talking to her. If she gave you her number then you can text her very
soon after.

The basic rules are as follows:

Once you get her contact information stay cool and dont act too needy.
Dont be the guy whos calling her 10 times a day and stalking her on
Facebook ;) Be chill.
Texting and Facebook messaging: Keep your texts and your Facebook
messages brief. Keep them playful.
If a woman smells any kind of desperation in your communication she will
run the opposite way, so lean back, relax. Stay casual. Stay playful. Flirt.
Remember there are millions of hot women out there, so maintain an
abundance mentality at all times.

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Step 11 - How To Go On Your First Date & What To

Here are some guidelines:
First of all, keep it very casual. Most guys use the day two to try to really
impress a woman. They take her to a fancy, expensive restaurant. They pick
her up in the car. They take her all these places and a lot of money. And that
just puts a lot of pressure on her and on him, and it's not just natural.
You never need to impress a woman.
What you need to do is like and accept yourself; then you wont care if
anyone likes you or not because you are already self validated.
When you accept yourself, other people have no choice but to accept you.
So, keep your date/hangout very casual. And if possible involve little or no
money in the date. If it's summer or you live in a warm climate then take her
to the beach, take her for a walk, take her to a park. My best dates are when I
do that. If you have a car, take her in the car and go drive to some nice place,
nice spot and then have a little picnic or something.
Women aren't looking for anything fancy. And most women get taken out to
a restaurant or the movies on the first date, and they're sick of it. Be original.
The movies is the worst place you can ever take the girl on a day two,
because it takes away the opportunity for you two to connect, and talk, and
form some kind of strong bond.
Although the movies can work sometimes, it is much better if you plan a
hangout where you and her are going to be engaged in a social activity
together, things like mini golf, bowling, walking in the park, walking on the
beach, going shopping together, having her join you to go shop for some
things that you need for your hobby. Just try it to make it as casual and as
cool as possible.

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If you can't think of anything then meeting at a coffee shop is also good,
because it doesn't cost a lot of money and you kind of have a time limit on
your date. So it's not too long. If things go well you can take the date
somewhere else, maybe to the movies, or shopping, or just walking around
the city. Or you can just go home.
Another important thing you need to do on your date is always lead. Do not
ask the woman, "So what do you want to do now? Where do you want to go
next?" Women hate making decisions, especially in a situation when they're
with a man they like. Be the man. Take the lead. Make the decisions.
Women don't care if you make bad decisions as long as you make some
decision. If you put the pressure on the woman to decide where you're going
to go and how long you're going to stay etc. she's going to lose attraction for
you. She does not want to think. She wants to be present in the moment and
swept away. It's your job to lead, so be the man and lead all the way.
The important thing to remember is your day two should be something that
fits your everyday lifestyle. If you never go to a fancy restaurant then don't
invite her to a fancy restaurant because you are misrepresenting yourself. If
she is taken on a fancy restaurant on the first date she is going to expect that
you're going to keep taking her to fancy places.
Remember to flirt, and touch, and just be lighthearted and playful, and have
a good time, because that's all women are looking for. They just want to
have a good time.
Exercise: If you have a girl you're going to take out, or if you don't have a
girl then pretend you have one you're going to take out, and sit down and
plan a date right now. See what you would plan, where you would meet. Are
you going to pick her up, or are you going to ask her meet you somewhere?
Where are you going to go? If you have fun there, where are you going to go
next after that? See if you can plan something that is very low cost or free
and that is fun and low pressure, and allows you to be playful in your
element, show your personality, connect with her, and just have a good time.
If you can bring your girl into your reality and show her your world, that
will do wonders for you.

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For example; if you're part of a band, then bring her to a practice and let her
see you jamming with your friends. If you do videography, then show her
your equipment, and maybe show her some work that you've done.
Whenever you can show a woman a part of your life she feels more safe and
secure, and connected to you because she feels like she knows you better. So
use the day two to really showcase who you are, what you are about, what
your likes are, and don't try to be too accommodating, and think about how
to make a perfect day two for her. She wants to get to know you, so give her
the real you upfront.

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Step 12 How To Know When Shes Ready To Be

So, now you are either still on your day two or you're on your day three or
day four and you would like to kiss her. There are no rules set in stone
saying when you should kiss a girl, but if a girl likes you then you should
probably have kissed her between the first and fourth time you have hung
out together.
It is very important to point out that not all women are the same. Some
women think sex is no big deal and will kiss you very easily. Other women
need more time and connection before they're able to open up physically to
you. So be aware of this. Just because a girl isn't ready to kiss you it doesn't
necessarily mean that she's not crazy about you. Just give her a bit more
time. If a girl keeps hanging out with you then she obviously likes you, so
it's just a matter of waiting for the right moment to do it.
OK. So now we are going to talk about how to get your first kiss with the
girl that you are hanging out with. Touch is very important. Again, a lot of
guys make this mistake. They like a girl so much, they treat her really nicely
and they're really careful about how they act with her and they don't touch
her in any way. This is a huge mistake. If you never touch a girl then the leap
between talking to her and kissing her is going to be massive and jumping
from just hanging out and talking to her and kissing her is going to be too
weird and awkward.
So how do you do it? What is the proper way? The proper way is to initiate
touch from the very beginning of the relationship. She needs to be used to
your body close to hers so make sure during your day two and onwards there
is a lot of touching going on. Put your arm around her, walk around with
your arm around her, poke her, playfully pinch her, tickle her, hold her hand,
stroke her hair, and touch her arm when you are talking to her.
Touch all of these nonprivate areas of her body as often as possible to get
her used to you touching her. This also lets her know that you're a sexual
being and you're not afraid of being sexual. If you've been holding hands or

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arm and arm all day then it's very easy for you to turn your head and kiss
her, but if you've been separate all day and just talking then the leap between
just talking and then leaning in to kiss her will be very awkward and risky.
So the secret of kissing a woman is to do a lot of touching first. Get her used
to your touch.
How to know when she's ready to be kissed? When you see that the woman
you're with is very comfortable with your arms around her, holding your
hand, she doesn't pull away at any time, she stays close to you, when you're
sitting side by side your legs are touching, your bodies are touching. Once
you're at this stage she's pretty well ready to be kissed. If you notice that she
does not move away when you touch her then you can be pretty damn sure
that she's ready for you to kiss her.
So the way to kiss her is to look into her eyes and just be talking to her or
maybe be silent. Brush her hair aside and see if she flinches or not. If she
doesn't flinch then lean in and give her a kiss. Most of the times she will
accept your kiss and be happy that you're kissing her.
In some rare instances you will find out that she's a very shy girl and she
might giggle and turn away at the last minute. If she giggles and turns away
and isn't offended then it's no problem. She just needs a bit more time. You
can try again in five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, or maybe the next
time you see her. It's no big deal. Just take it as a joke, take it playfully, and
don't be pushy in any kind of way. When she's ready she will do it. And if
shes not interested, then move on to another girl.
The first kiss tells the girl a lot about the chemistry between you two, so it's
very important that you give her a good experience. The first times you kiss
a woman do not stick your tongue down her throat. Keep the kiss very light.
Use mostly your lips and just lick her lips a bit, maybe have some tongue to
tongue, but keep it very light. Also, be the first one to end the kiss. This
shows her that she can be safe around you, that you can control yourself
sexually, and that she can be safe to open up to you sexually. It also leaves
her longing for more.

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After the first kiss I like to just continue on with casual conversation and
most times the girl will look at you with a look in her eyes that's saying 'oh
my God! I can't believe you just kissed me and now you're just casually
talking to me again and you stopped the kiss so quickly'. This creates
anticipation. Remember, girls love a challenge. Girls love to be teased. You
can go in and kiss her a minute later or two minutes later and the second kiss
can be a lot more intimate and intense than the first.
The first kiss communicates that you are safe, that everything is OK, and that
you are not desperate. The first kiss is where you give your first impression
to her about how you are sexually. When she feels that it is light and
nonobtrusive then she will appreciate you and really fall for you.
So remember! Always lead up to a kiss with a lot of touching. If you do not
touch the woman you are dating then it will be very, very hard and awkward
to find a moment in which to kiss her. Find ways in which you can be close
together physically and have a lot of touch between you so that when it
comes time to kiss it will be a natural, effortless, and fun transition that both
of you will enjoy.

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Now that you have gone through these simple 12 steps, its time to go out
there and practice! Just remember some of the most important points. Stay
positive, playful, and lighthearted. Be fully present with women you're
talking to. Show your confidence through being completely honest and
transparent about who you really are, and how you really feel.
Compliment women to make them feel good about themselves, and make
them open up to you emotionally. Compliment women to keep you out of
the friend zone. Ask women out so you stay out of the friend zone.
When you're flirting with her, stay playful, friendly, and lighthearted. And
remember, this is a game to be enjoyed.
When you follow the 12 steps laid out for you in this book, you will find that
getting a girlfriend is a lot easier than you thought.
Thank you very much for reading this book. I wish you all the best in your
future endeavors.
Jad T Jones

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