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Toilet Break- short film story

Dave. Accountant. Quite high up in the business hes in. Sat in

his office, doing the same job hes been doing for the past 3 years.
Nothing has changed. Dave has had a good life, hes quite well off
now because of his job, big house, nice car, only 27. Hes had a
good 3 years. Dave is bored. His life has reached a point now
where his imagination is working over time and he has started to
daydream at random points of time during the day. One day, had
started of normally, hed gone to the office after having his morning
coffee and banana, he goes into his office turns on his computer
gets a cup of water from the water machine which is net to his
desk. On this particular day the weather was very warm, so like a
normal person Dave had to drink a lot of water to keep his fluid
levels up. The time came. Dave just finished an important
document sent it and got up. Daves bladder is full.
As he tries to go to open the door he realises that one of his
hands have disappeared, in shock he stumbles back and falls over
a chair in the office. He puts his hands out as he falls but because
they arent there he just slipped further along the floor. Desperate
to try and get out he stands up and walks to the door with intent in
his eye, he sprawls at the door waving his arms about in a frantic
motion in failed attempts at opening the door. He walks back a bit
and just runs at the door, jumping at it, trying to crawl under the
door. All of this commotion has drawn a few people towards his
office. Dave eventually falls to the floor in exhaustion and rests for
a moment.
After scanning around the room a while, Dave notices an empty
cup across from him. He focuses on this and an expression of
relief appears on his face.

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