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Lanier Elementary School

November 3, 2015

4782 Thompson Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30506

Phone 770-532-8781 Fax 770-531-3017

Mrs. Hulseys Class News

IXL Math Remember to practice IXL at home. The 3 top IXL kids for November can have
in lunch the classroom one day. Only one parent has let me know that they do not currently
have internet access to IXL Math.
RAH - Remember your child should read every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday night as a part of homework. I ask each child to read one book each night, but
many of them want more!!
Sight Words- Practice the pink sight word list that I sent home in October for homework
practice. When you child can read all the words instantly in 3 seconds of less, send back the
pink list for a new list of sight words to practice.

Upcoming Events
November 11, Veterans Day,
Wear Red, White and Blue
November 16, PTO, 3rd Grade
November 23-27, Thanksgiving
November 30, Lego Club at

IXL Math skills to practice at home are listed on the November homework calendar.
Curriculum News
Math We will complete the second math unit in November. The focus of this unit is numbers to 40, addition and subtraction to 20,
sequencing numbers, fact families, number bonds, tens and ones, word problems, one more/one less, adding 3 numbers, and using
tally marks to organize data.
Reading- We will complete the unit on characters by naming character traits and feelings, and thinking about the Authors Central
Message, or what did the character learn in the story and how can I use that information to learn something from the story that
applies to me.
Writing We are finishing narrative writing and will take the narrative assessment this month.
Social Studies Continents and Oceans
Great News!!
JLynn, Dani, Lila, Zanita, Judd, Addison, and Landon have read over 100 books!! Our class read 1658 books during the first
quarter. We were the ONLY first grade class that had ALL students meet their reading goal of 25 books or more. Keep reading!!
Ami Phines, an intern from The University of North Georgia, will join our class on November 4. She will be with us until
Thanksgiving and will return January 5-April 22 to complete her student teaching experience. I think Ms. Phines will be a wonderful
addition to our class and I look forward to working with her. We are fortunate to have an additional adult in the classroom, and she
is excited to work with your children. I have assured her she is in for a treat with this group of cute, hard-working, and caring kids.

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