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Lanier Elementary School


February 2,

4782 Thompson Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30506

Phone 770-532-8781 Fax 770-531-3017

Mrs. Hulseys Class News

Curriculum News
Math Students are learning to tell time to the hour and half-hour (1:00 and 1:30) using an analog clock
(traditional clock with face and hands) and a digital clock. We have been measuring with non-standard units
(paper clips, cups, shoes, pencils, cubes). Next week we will begin problem solving/word problems.
Reading- Students will focus on reading with expression and fluency while dramatizing stories and dialogue
through readers theater.
Writing Students will write opinion and persuasive letters. So be prepared for some persuasion!
Social Studies Historical Figures Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea (exploration),
Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad)

Great News!!
Gracie, Caleb, and Briana have read 100 books!


Hall County has a
new resource for
parents looking
for ways to help
your child at
home. Check out
Hall County Big
Ideas website at

IXL Math Remember to practice IXL at home. The 3 top IXL kids for can have lunch in the classroom one day. IXL math skills to
practice at home are listed on the homework calendar.
RAH - Remember your child should read every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night as a part of homework. I ask
each child to read one book each night, but many of them want to read more!!
Sight Words- Practice the pink sight word list that I sent home in October for homework practice. When you child can read all the
words instantly in 3 seconds of less, send back the pink list for a new list of sight words to practice. Let me know if your child needs
a new list.
Math Facts - First graders should know addition and subtraction facts within 10, with fluency by the end of first grade. Students
should name the sum within 3 to 4 seconds without counting on their fingers. We will begin math facts fluency assessments on
Friday by adding 0 to numbers 1-10. Your child will have 1 minute to correctly write the sum to 12 of the following problems.
0+0, 0+1, 1+0, 0+2, 2+0, 0+3, 3+0, 0+4, 4+0, 0+5, 5+0, 0+6, 6+0, 0+7, 7+0, 0+8, 8+0, 0+9, 9+0, 0+10, 10+0
When you child has demonstrated mastery of +0 facts, he or she will move to adding +1 to numbers 1-10, then +2, +3, +4, +5, +6,
+7, +8, +9, then to the subtraction facts. Math facts assessments will be on given on Wednesdays and Fridays of each week.
Students will progress to the next set of facts when they have successfully demonstrated mastery. Please help your child practice
at home. You might want to purchase flash cards, use IXL, make math facts cards, practice orally, etc. I have included a list of all
facts within 10 in the Tuesday folder. We have been learning addition strategies all year.
Notes We are limited to Christmas and End-of-Year parties, however students may exchange Valentines Day cards with
classmates and we will have a simple and healthy snack on Friday, February 12. We will not have a party. You child may bring
cards for classmates. There is a list of student names in todays Tuesday Folder.

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