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DnD Club:

Venue: BEE
Time: Mondays after school 4:15 - 5:20

Chairman: BEE
Secretary: BEE
Treasurer: BEE

1. Keep it relevant! (No non-DnD or one DnD group specific, please!)
2. Keep it civil! (No excessive abuse)
3. Mute your mic if you're not speaking!
1. DM has last word!
2. Keep as quiet as possible
3. Try not to timewaste
4. Patience required!
5. Commitment to attendance required
1. Keep it quietish
2. Any questions should be asked in lulls - remember that rules vary from DM to

Cake: If you have cake, you may bring it. - DO NOT MAKE A MESS! (A rota may be
implimented if there is too much confectionary, and please make allergies apparent)
Mainly imagined gameplay: Only dice, paper and occasionally direct or indirect
visual aid will predominantly be used

Ask your DM for any further details.

Please note: It is expected that everyone has their character more or less in a
playable state before joining in.

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