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English Revision from 2014

Propaganda influence thinking

- Techniques (bandwagon, fear, card stacking)
- Visual techniques
- Values

Advertising (how it achieves each of the following)

- Alienation
- Interest
- Desire
- Action

SWAT codes
- Symbolic
- Written
- Audio
- Technical

Film posters
- Main focus is genre.

Other things to include:

Talk about ideologies and how they are challenged or reinforced by
aspects of visual language.
Think about bias, technique, propaganda and effectiveness.

The structure of an answer describing an image or poster should be
similar to:
Opening paragraph Brief description of image & general
statement about ideas or genres. State whether an advertisement,
propaganda or film poster. State what type etc. and mention the
overall impact.
Each paragraph is one dot point
Talk about bias, effectiveness, target audience, purpose.

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