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Artifact Reflection - Senior Capstone Project

Name of Journey
- Story Corp Interview
Explain your artifact final product and ALL the steps you took to create
- My final product is an interview with my mom. Weve always had an
awkward relationship, so I thought it would be best to get her point of view.
To conduct this interview I wrote down questions to ask and began to record.
What is the most important thing you learned during this process?
- I got the chance to talk to my mom and get her perspective on things. I
learned shes quieter than my dad. Even though my mom and me have a
weird relationship it was nice to get her perspective on things.
Explain the significance of your artifact and how it connects to the
- My artifact is an interview with my mom I touched on my relationship with
her, but I didnt delve into what I should have. In my narrative I wrote about
my grandmother, whom I wish I couldve interviewed.
What do you wish you had spent more time on or done dierently?
- I wish I had asked her more about her past. She even said she is very
dependent upon other people, so I wish I wouldve asked about that more. I
also wish I would have addressed our relationship, we seem to always be at
odds and I should have tried to fix it.
What did you find most challenging during this task?
- I found it hard to continuously ask questions. My mom didnt think about
the question and answer honestly, she said whatever would sound the best.
I wish I had challenged her more.

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