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Drug Name

Route and Dosage

Classification: Potassiumsparing diuretic

Brand Name: Dyrenium
Generic Name: Triamterene

50, 100mg/tab

Indication and
Edema associated with
CHF, nephrotic syndrome,
hepatic cirrhosis; steroidinduced edema, edema from
hyperaldosteronism (alone or
with other diuretics for
added diuretic
or antikaliuretic effects).

Adverse effect

Nursing Responsibility

GI: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and

other GI disturbances.

Be aware that triamterene

shouldnt be given to
patient with creatinine
clearance below
10ml/min/1.73 m2 because
this contraindication
increases the risk of druginduced hyperkalemia.

CNS: Dizziness, headache, dry

mouth, anaphylaxis, weakness,
muscle cramps. Skin: Pruritus, rash,

CV: Hypotension (large

doses). Metabolic:Hyperkalemia and
other electrolyte imbalances,
elevated BUN, elevated uric acid
Contraindicated with allergy (patients predisposed to gouty
to triamterene, hyperkalemia, arthritis), hyperchloremic
acidosis. Hematologic: Blood
renal disease
dyscrasias: granulocytopenia,
(except nephrosis), liver
eosinophilia, megaloblastic anemia
disease, and lactation.
in patients with reduced folic acid
stores (e.g., hepatic cirrhosis).

Monitor for irregular

heartbeat, usually the first
sign of hyperkalemia.
Monitor patients serum
uric acid and sodiam
levels, as ordered, because
drug may reduce uric acid
clearance and increase the
risk of gout and

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