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In a quiet street, a man exits his home and walks outside to

get into his car. After he has put his seatbelt in he is about
to start his car, but is interrupted with a loud bang.
Cautiously, he exits the car and looks from left to right for
any clues as to what caused the bang, but sees nothing. So he
looks along the cars side to see if any damage has been done
to the car, but again he sees nothing. So then he walks to the
boot of the car, puts his hand on the boot release, looks left
and right to see if anyone is around then opens the car boot.
Inside is a girl, with her hands tied behind her back then the
man shouts, I thought I told you to shut up! and slams the
car boot back down.
The banging noise was the girl in the boot of the car in a
pitiful attempt to escape. The girl was in the boot of the car
because two years ago he was in a car crash with his much
loved daughter, even though he survived, she didnt and ever
since he has started an obsession of trying to replace her
with girls that look like her.


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