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Reflection 6 3-3-2016

Today my TP Teacher (Miss Tammy) was absent, so there was another

.teacher who came to prep E to teach those adorable students
he was surprised to see me in the class playing with the students, so he
came up to me and asked me why im I here and I told him about my
.observation, and he said that Miss Tammy will come next week
I was so glad I heard him saying that because he was so strict with the
.kids and miss Tammy gave him a lesson plan
He followed it step by step without forgetting anything Miss Tammy told
him to show the kids a video about numbers and learning about them
using a song; the children love singing and dancing. But he told them to sit
down and stop making noise. I hoped for Miss Tammy to come to the shoot
.soon because all of the students miss her, and I missed her so much
He asked me to read a story about the students on their meal time; I was
so nervous to read, but I said ok, and I did it !!! the children were looking
.at me like I am a teacher I smiled for the rest of the day because of that

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