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30 OCTOBER 2015, FRIDAY 15:00PM

30TH October was my first community service class. Community service is one
of my course paper for this semester. I were excited to attend this class because of the lecturer.
This subject conducted by Madam Suriati. She is my favourite lecturer over here. The class
started as normal. Madam Suriati started to explain the motive and objective of the course. As
she explained, I understand that every group must conduct a community service project.
Madam Suriati gave us some option and ideas for conduct our community service. Coaching
sport teams and helping to organize other sports, fund raising for service clubs and charities,
participating in environmental projects such as community clean up and visit and helping old
folks home or orphanage home are the option given by Madam Suriati.
Madam Suriati told us to do journal on every community service class. Sample
proposals, self reflection and reports of our seniors were shown to us as example for us to
follow the correct format. After the explanation, we were instructed to form a group for
community service project. We formed s group of 11 members. Myself, Sindhu, Thineshwaran,
Puneswari, Rubana, Lee Meng, Punitha, Simon Raj, Miroshini, Anjeli and Munishwari. Our
group named as LOVE AND CARE. We created this name because we feel this name suitable
of community service project. We decided to do our community service project in one of
orphanage home where located in Kulim. Name of the orphanage home is Shalom. Madam
Suriati told us to conduct this community service project around 6 hours in the orphanage home.
The next activity for our first community service class was listing down some
things which we cant live without. This activity was a group activity. My group members gave
alot idea according to the title given. After that, Madam Suriati asked us to deliver and present
our ideas infront of class. Each group need to share their ideas infront of class. Our group ideas
were presented by Simon and Munishwary. Each and every group came up with creative
answer and ideas which make us laugh. We enjoyed the first community service class.
End of first class of community service, I learned the actual meaning of
community service. Community service is one of the voluntary action of a group without pay to
work on a common interest and community need. Besider that, I also learned to work in group
when my lecturer gave a task to do as groupwork.

Class started at 3.00pm according to timetable. Madam Suriati asked us to sit according to
group that we created in last class. After we sat in group, Madam Suriati gave us some
brochures that contain groceries items. From that brochures we need to choose groceries items
to do some dishes, desert and drinks. We need to purchase our groceries items by budget of
RM250. Before use the items, we need to discuss about the dishes we going to cook. We
decided to prepare Mee goring ketam special . We also decided to prepare fresh juice as a
drink and ice cream with cake as a desert. We will serve our special menu on banana leaf.
We choosed items from the brochures according to our dishes. We choosed 20 packets
oinstant noodles, 10 sticks of ayam percik, 1 packet of crab filament, 10 box of ice cream, 7 box
of cakes and 3 bottles of fresh juice. We were purchase our items for RM250. After that, we
were instructed to present our menu infront of our class. Each and every group presented their
own creativity in preparing their menu. Some of the menu were weird and the ideas were funny.
The next activity is with reusable items. Madam Suriati instructed us to bring reuseable
item in our first class itself. We bring some reusable things to class. This items were used to
carry on a activity. We were asked to create a piggy bank with reusable items that we bring. We
used all the reusable items wisely and use creativity of all the group members to create a nice
piggy bank. Our piggy bank were created by using a bottle, wrapper, strings and some ribbons.
The piggy bank looked nice and we satisfied with our groupwork. The piggy bank will be given
to management where we are going to conduct our community service project. Our lecturer
satisfied with our work.
In this class, I learned the importance of money. We need to plan before using our
money. We need to know necessity of the items we buy. We need to plan before purchase to
avoid wasteness. I also learned the usage of reuseable items. We can create usable things by
using reusable items with our own creativity.

20th November 2015, Friday 15:00PM

Class was started at 3pm followed as in timetable.This class abit different than before
classes. We were had some outdoor activities. As Madam Suriati told, we were bring some
paper palates, newspaper, raffia rope, water bottles, chopsticks, straw and tennis ball to conduct
some games. This outdoor activities held at Padang Kota Lama. Once all our classmates
gather, Madam Suriati starts to gave briefs about what we are going to do today. She asked us
to stand in a big circle to divide us into a 5 members of group.
First activity were start. First activity was, we need to pass the raffia rope to group
members without touching it. Creativity and teamwork important for this activity. My group were
managed to do this activity. Carrying the lightest person is the second activity of the day. My
groupmates choose me as the lightest person to carry. My group members manage to carry me
very quickly and we won the battle. The next game is carry the heaviest person in the group. We
decided to carry kausalya and we manage to carry her.
The next activity is standing on the paper. All the groupmembers need to stand on a
newspaper. This game were tough because the newspaper will be folded smaller and smaller.
The group who managed to stand without putting leg out from newspaper is the winner. The
next activity is water and straw game. we have to connect the straw without letting the water to
pour. The water have to go through the straw until it reach the end point and the winner is
decided by measuring the amount of water each group able to save on a plastic cup.
The final activity that we played is make a length longer. In this game, each and every
group must collect things and make their length get longer. They collect things from
surroundings and arrange them into a straight line. Some of groups were lay in the ground to
make their longer. This game was really fun and enjoyable. After that, we started to clean up all
the rubbish and things that we used to play games. End of the activity, Madam Suriati explained
the motive and objective of the activity and announced the winner.
The motive of the activity reached each and every students in my class. The motive of
the activity is teamwork. Teamwork is important to create a victory. The strength in each person
in a group is very important to success.

I am Surender a/l Vatheyuan from BBA. Its my 4 th semester. Community service is one of
my coursework paper for this semester. Before attend this community service class, i was abit
confused about community service and the objective of community service. On the first day of
class, my lecturer Madam Suriati explained well about community service and from there i
understand the actual meaning of community service. Wikipedia says Community service is
performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or its institutions.
Performing community service is not the same as volunteering, since it is not always performed
on a voluntary basis. It may be performed for a variety of reasons. Community service well
known as the voluntary action of an individual or group of individuals without pay to work on a
common interest or community need.
Community service allows those participating to reflect on the difference they are making
in society. Some participants of a community service project may find themselves gaining a
greater understanding of their roles in the community, as well as the impact of their contributions
towards those in need of service. Because community service outlets vary, those who serve are
exposed to many different kinds of people, environments, and situations
With each new community service project, some participants may gain insightful
experience in a variety of areas. Participants may also internalize the information that they
found personally insightful for future use. While simply performing community service is valuable
to the recipients, those serving often find it beneficial to pause and reflect on how they are
changing society for the better. College often take students on community service projects in
order for them to gain a greater understanding of how their individual actions affect the well
being of the public. Participants may find that the giving of themselves to the public good may
result in a more solidified view of self and purpose.
Community service not only benefits volunteers in the present, it helps prepare them for
their future. When performing community service volunteers learn valuable skills. They learn
cooperation, empathy and citizenship when the partake in activities. They learn how to work
with others and to work hard in most all volunteer work. They learn to plan their activities. When
volunteering you become experienced in a wide field.

In this class, we are instructed to plan a community service project in a group by our
lecturer Madam Suriati. We choose to do our community service project in a orpahange home
where located at Kulim. Before we choosed the place, me n my groupmembers discussed and
gave our opinion. After choose the place, we start to plan the activities related to community
service. Each and everyones opinion were taken and considered. As a final result, we planned
and list down all the activities will be conducted by us in the orpahange home.. By this i have
learned to take everyone idea and opinion in a group. I also understand each and everyone
have their own opinion. This will make a togetherness in a group and each a every person in a
group will feel appreciated.
On that day, me and my groupmembers were gather infront of orpahange home as we
planned. We were ready to do our community service. Activities runs so well as planned. The
kids have a a fun and enjoy themself by our activities. Everyone in my group did their
responsibility so well. I did a responsibility and make it successful. Being responsible is a sign of
good character, maturity and reliability, and it is a desirable personality trait for anyone to
possess. When my groupmembers depend on me to do something, it means that my
groupmembers believe me is the one who responsible enough to handle the task.
Community service project is important to me because it provides me with eye-opening
experiences while benefitting many people. Knowing that a great impact can be made on
others lives, through simple actions, makes the work worthwhile. Giving back to the community
provides a rewarding sense of pride.
As I continue to get older, I know that helping others really makes you feel better about
yourself. Community service teaches me to do something good for others, and it also reminds
me that I should not be so selfish sometimes. By community service project, i understand that i
can help others out, brightens up their day, and they really enjoy getting help from somebody
else that cares about them especially kids. Community service help me realize that volunteering
can only help others.
These are great experiences and we need to see them bloom in small and large
communities all across the nation. Community service is a positive way of making the
community a better place for everyone.

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