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: Riza Apriyanti


: 101411123012



Public Health is a science and art of health which aims to prosper and
increase quality of health in the community through community organizing
Public health has multiple scope, including population health and
community health. Both have differences. If population health have not identity as
a group or not focused on a specific geographic area so it can be followed by all
regions. For the example: a public health scholar researching the health of elderly
females. (so health which is researched is health on all elderly females in all
regions where elderly females are).
If Community Health, otherwise of population health. It has identity and
focused on a specific geographic area. For the example: a public health scholar
researching student health of Airlangga University.
In the development of public health, public health developments in
Indonesia can be compared with other countries, as an example is Canada.
Indonesia and Canada have in common is 1) public health still Centralize with the
proven existence of legislation, Permenkes, SKN 2) Indonesia and Canada, both
of which have decentralized with federal cooperation. While the difference is if
canada focus on infrastructure and the importance of preventive efforts, while

Indonesia is not focused on infrastructure and prioritizing curative efforts then

preventive efforts.
The government in other countries have institutions that engaged in the
field of health that based on business same as the Indonesian government is health
ministry has biopharma institutions as institutions that produce vaccines.
Additionally, the health ministry also has other institutions which "Eijkman
Institute" which focuses on the health of a business in the field of biomolecular.

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