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SOCIAL STUDIES: Class Syllabus

2016/ 2017

Ms. Kaya



Be on time, in your seat, and prepared for class.

Be on task.
Respect others.
Raise your hand.
Follow directions.

The purpose of Remind is to communicate with students and parents through
text alerts. Please see attached handout for set-up instructions and more

The assigned homework may be any of the following:

Reading and/ or questions

Handouts or worksheets
Research and/ or projects
Other writing assignments

Late work is graded based on the following criteria:

Late homework will be accepted up to one day late with a 30%

automatic grade reduction
Projects or larger assignments will be accepted late with a 20%
automatic grade reduction for the first day late and an additional 10%
grade deduction for each day later.

Absent Work Policy

Homework due the day you are absent needs to be turned in on the day you
return. It will be considered late if it is not turned in the day you return.

Homework assigned the day you are absent will have one day for every day
you are absent to be turned in. For example, if you were absent for two days,
you have two days from the day you return to make up your missing work.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Using someone elses ideas, phrasing or words and representing those as

your own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is plagiarism. Please
see the student handbook for the details of the consequences for cheating
and/or plagiarizing.

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