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My thoughts on my Transcript

After looking through my transcript over my high school years, I actually came to the
conclusion that I am slightly unsatisfied with my overall performance. It wasnt until the second
semester of my Junior year that I received a GPA of 4.0. I really wish that I took the first two
years a lot more seriously. Sure I didnt fail any classes at all, but my GPA was 3.67 for the first
semester of freshman and 3.67 again for the second semester. During my sophomore year I got
3.83 for the first semester and then 3.83 yet again for the second semester. If only I put in more
effort into studying I could have gotten those 4.0 GPAs. I had that mindset of oh its only
freshman/sophomore year it doesnt really matter if I get a few Bs in there. Considering how
significantly easier the classes I took back then compared to the classes I am taking now makes
me even more frustrated that I didnt get all As in my classes. By far my worst performance was
during the first semester of junior year, where I ended up with a GPA of 3.17. That time I
definitely could have done better, I still grieve over it from time to time actually. Oh well, whats
done is done. It would be nice to go back in time just to raise my grades, because apparently
from what I was told from fellow students, is that the first semester of junior year is the most
critical part of high school. Now thats a big bummer. At last on the second semester of junior
year, I have received a 4.0 GPA, nice. I did put in a lot of effort to ensure that I had no Cs,
especially since I was taking AP classes it would be easier to reach that 4.0. I was at least pleased
with my performance for that time. The first semester of senior year I received a 4.29 GPA, by
far my best performance of my entire high school career. Its still a bit disappointing, because I
could have reached a GPA this impressive much earlier than at that time. This semester Im
predicting that I reach for ~4.2 GPA. Overall Im slightly unsatisfied with my performance, but
whats done is done.

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