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mode up of individual scenes that contribute to the success af the plot

os o whale. Leorners moy

recognize different scenes os the ontithesis of the climoctic scene in
o story because people moke
inferences ond drow conclusions of their own when they heor o story
ond its not alwoys the s,ome


each person. But thot's okoy becouse reading is o shored knowledge that
hetps writers share obout their
culture, but its olso on individuot experience where we eoch get to worksaith ond
creote our own

imoginotions. Today,

going to proctice moking these

us changing a scene has a story,s plot.

wre or

deciqpfind inferring as to the effeas thot


pass out the graphic organizer and separate the students into groups
of no more
than 6 as indicarted in our online reading module. (A ctass of 30 will produce S groups).
-Each group will use graphic organizer to lead group discussion.

Teacher witt monitor.

will come to a consensus as to the scene they find most pivotat, or one
that embodies the climax. Students within the group who do not agree on which scene
chose will need to use textual evidence to support their opinion and to defend,
explain and
justify their conclusions.
-Groups will present their findings.
-As a group students

-Whole group: lStudents will see if other groups have or have not
chosen the same scenes and


checking for understanding: ls it important that we oll chose the some scene,
why or why not? tf
o few groups chose the some scene, why do you think we
did? tf mony of the groups chose different
scenes why do you think we did? Do eoch of these scenes have a lorge
impoct of thesuccess of o plot os
o whole? lf they ore chonged ond that chonges the whole story, whot does
thot say about the
significonce thot scene hos on the story as o whole?

Materials/ Resources:
,rGraphic Organizer


Required Reading (Ex. Romeo and juliet)

Grouping Patterc:
Class discussion


no more than 6; For ctass of 3e 5 groups of 6

Ending, Sqmmary/Refl ection

can we think of a story with two protagonists (good guys) and

two antagonists (bad guys), or a
story told out of order, middle, end, beginning. How did we
feel when we read/heard those stories? Do
we think those stories are easily transtatable or easy to retell/
what does this do to the accessibility of
the literature?

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