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Mansoura University

Faculty of nursing
Master preparatory course

Supervised By:
Dr/ Raefa Allam

Prepared By:
Maha Ebrahim Ebrahim
Enas sabry fathy
Eman Yasser Hammouda
Nagwa Yehia
Mona AbdElghany
Mona Refat

Definition of Teaching (instructional) methods
Types of the instructional methods
*. Traditional methods.
*. Nontraditional methods.
Advantage and disadvantage of methods of teaching & learning


General objectives:
At the end of the lecture, my colleagues will be able to Identify
The different types of teaching methods and advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Specific objectives:
At the end of the lecture ,my collegues will be able to:
-Define teaching methods.
-Identify the different teaching methods.
-Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of each teaching method.
-Practice small group discussion during the nursing education course.

Once the teacher has determined the learning objectives associated with
the topic of the lesson, then she or he must determine the specific
learning/teaching activities and resources that will be used during the
course of the class session to accomplish these objectives. Matching
teaching methods to course objectives is an essential, good teaching
practice. Preparing your course has parallels to preparing your research.
You wouldnt choose choose a research method without first knowing
your research questions; you should treat choosing your teaching strategy
with the same mindset. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher
explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires
(William Arthur Ward).

Definition of traditional teaching

Is the technique or approach the teacher uses to bring the learner into
contact with the content to be learned.

Types of traditional teaching:

There are many traditional & none-traditional teaching methods; each has
its advantages and disadvantages.

Traditional teaching consist of :

1- lecture
2- Group discussion
3- Demonstration
4- One to one instruction
5- Problem solving
6- Using Audiovisuals methods

1- Lecture :
For many years, the lecture method was the most widely used
instructional strategy in college classrooms although the usefulness of
other teaching strategies is being widely examined today; the lecture still
remains an important way to communicate information.
Lecture can be defined as highly structured methods by which the
teacher verbally transmits information directly to group of learners for
purpose of instruction Content presented by instructor often accompanied
by handouts or visual aids.

1-Saving of time.

1- The students in a passive situation.

2-Covers a large group of students 2- Low interest.

3-Gives a feeling of security pace 3- Does not deal with higher levels
of learning.

thinking skills.

4-Can be used with other teaching 4- Difficult of the development of the



5-Useful strategy for clarifying

5-Visual aids, handouts may be costly.

complex information.
6- Maximizes instructor control

6-disengages students from the

7-the traditional lecture can be an learning process causing information

to be quickly forgotten.
effective way to achieve
instructional goal.

7- minimizes feedback from students

2- Group discussion:Is a method of teaching where by learners get together to exchange

information, feelings, and opinions with each other and the teacher.



1- Encourage active participation of 1- Requires supervision to keep


learners on-task.

2- Permits a teacher/student

2- Requires that learners have


sufficient knowledge.

3- Easy learning.

3- Difficult or painful for the

4-Improves students' thinking skills quiet/shy learner.

and ability to articulate thoughts and 4- If students are un prepared,

discussion will be ineffective.

5- Cost-effective.

5-Requires time.

3- Demonstration:Is a method by which the learners are shown by the teacher how to perform a
particular skill?
Demonstration is preceded by a lesson on the purpose of the skill, the steps
involved, equipment required, and what the learner is expected to do.



1- Enhances retention.

1- The student is limited.

2- Presence of teacher, increase feeling of

2- Highly costs and time consuming.


3- Difficult in repeating the

3- Facilitate the question between the

demonstration in order to acquire

teacher and student.


4- Aids in the understanding of more

4-Sufficient number of instructors

complex psychomotor skills.

needed to supervise student practice.

5-Learner has better understanding of what

is expected of him/her.

4- One to one instruction:-

In which the teacher delivers individual instruction designed specifically

for particular learner.



1- Presence of teacher, increase feeling 1-Highly costs and time consuming.

of security.


2- Facilitate the question between the

interaction between other student

teacher and student.

3- Low interest.

3- Ensure completely understanding.

4- Does not deal with higher levels

4- Enhances retention.




thinking skills.
5- in hospital we need to large number
of nurses for (one nurse to on patient )

5- Problem Solving: It is the most independent of learning methods, as it is completely empowers the students
to initiate their own learning.
The teacher makes all decisions about the content of the questions and therefore the
correct answers; however the role of arranging sequences that lead to the correct
solutions are placed in the hands of the learner.
The teacher therefore must assume the role of the facilitator, and be prepared to provide
students with feedback rather than solutions.
Positive reinforcement is a very important element of the problem solving process, as it
will further promote students to levels and personal confidence. provide their ideas,
developing individual motivation.


1- Recognizes independent thinking.

1- Inability to achieve the answers may

2- Improve the learner's capacity to result in a lack of motivation.






and 2- Effective only for students who are

already able to take responsibility for

3- allows for the development of their own learning.

creativity among students .

3- Time consuming.

4- Allows students to control their own 4- Need a supportive environment in

learning situation.

which to work out solutions.

5- Enhances retention.

5- The outcomes of the lesson may not

be achieved if the teacher's preparation
is not adequate.
6- Potential for a lack of teacher control
over the class.

Activity- Based teaching strategies

Non Traditional Methods

Method of non traditional method

1- Simulation

2- role playing

3- Self-learning modules
4- Self-instruction activities
5- Computer-assisted instruction

5- humor

6- Problem Based Learning -PBL

Is a method where by an artificial or hypothetical experience is created
that engages the learner in an activity that reflects real-life conditions but
without the risk taking consequences of an actual situation? By this
method, participants can trial their problem solving techniques, and
psychomotor skills

-Practice reality in safe setting
-Life-like experience can enhance retention
-Used as an independent study
-Facilitates development of problem- solving & decision making skills
-All learners receive identical experience (not based on the teacher's

-Prerequisite knowledge and basic skill instruction required

II- Role playing:

Is a method by which learners participate in an unrehearsed
dramatization? They are asked to play assigned parts of a character, as
they think the character would act in reality This method is a technique to
arouse feeling and elicit emotional responses in the learner

-Develops understanding of others
-Promotes development of observational, problem-solving and decision -making skills

-faculty supervision
-Requires care when designing and developing

III- Self-learning modules

It is a form of self-study, in which the learner is provided with
packets containing information and self-checks the packet is designed, so
that the learner can progress to a new section after mastering the prior

-Student can work at own pace
-Can be completed in class or outside classroom
-Great for adult learners, because time and place of learning is under
their control.

-Costly to prepare & update
-Requires careful design
-More costly if published materials used
-Lack of interaction with instructor and other students.

IV- Self-instruction activities

It is a method used by the teacher to provide or design instructional
activities that guide the learner in independently achieving the objectives
of learning.

V-Computer-assisted instruction
It is a form of study using the technology of the computer to deliver
.)educational activities. (e.g., TOEFL, ICDL).

-Technology is effective for teaching in the cognitive and psychomotor
- Useful for promoting decision making and problem-solving skills.
.-Learners can proceed at their own pace.
-Learners receive immediate and continuous feedback .
.-Many types of application available.

-Can be very costly hardware & software.
-Selection of appropriate software may be difficult for inexperienced
-Requires that students be self-motivated.
-Student familiarity and skill with computer technology may differ

VI- Humor
In which a joke, cartoon, or funny situation is added to a lesson.
This strategy provides students with a short break in content, and can
enhance comprehension and retention of material.

-Increases learner interest
-Enhances teacher/student connection
-Improves learner apprehension (understanding)
-Aids in retention of content
-Enhances mood, attitude, and general feeling of learning environment.

-Instructor must be aware of possible effects of humor on different

VII- )Problem Based Learning -PBL)

PBL = Active learning

Students are more responsible for their own education and not solely
dependent on their teachers.
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a form of peer teaching, whereby
students work cooperatively in small groups to seek solutions to
In the PBL learning process, small groups of students often encounter a problem. Together, students must try to understand the problem,
reformulate the problem, and determine what information they need to
solve this problem
They have to apply previous knowledge on the topic, as well as researching a range of information resources relevant to help solve the
problem at hand.
PBL allows students to make sense of the material in their own way, integrating newly acquired knowledge with prior knowledge and
During this process students are encouraged to self and peer assess their progress, which helps to develop their collaborative or team learning
The students clarified what happened in the scenario, defined the
problems, and wrote down unclear terms or concepts. The tutor helped
the students think about the scenario, discuss it, and arrive at an

-Engage the students in the problems they face in life and society
with relevant skills and enthusiasm

-Teaches effective problem solving skills using a flexible and

usable knowledge base
-Utilizes effective self-directed learning skills to continue learning
as a life-long habit
-Teaches to monitor and assess the depth of their knowledge,
problem solving and self-directed learning skills
Involves students in effective group based work

Students may get distracted working in groups
-Teachers are required to provide effective guidance, so they may
require further tuition in this field
-Not all students can be expected to adapt to and succeed when
introduced to PBL. Factors to consider may include student backgrounds,
learning difficulties, social interaction skills, confidence levels and
behavioral qualities

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