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The whole lofted but a few ham& ; but the jarring.

was great enough to mule the window-lhutters and

door of the room, in which I then was, to clatter_
The fky was perfotily clear, and there was a were
rode and Morcely-perceptible gale at S.W. Thefo
four are the only lhocks, that I have been fenfible of
from the 18th of November loft to this date ; tho'
more are faid to have been hit in other parts of the
country to the northward of us.
As to the duration of the great fhock, people .
have differed widely, viz, from r to 6 or 7. Our .
printed accounts have generally fixed it to about 2 , or
3 at the mod ; but as their were only the unecrtanr .
undies of perform, who had no rule to gaols by. no
dependence can be had on them I am
fied, that with us it continued 4., Of !afire 4 I -bsdf,
taking in the whole of the time, from the firfi agi-
tation of the mirth till it was become perfeCtly quiet ;.
dm' the violence of the thock did not lalt above half
fo long. 'This I am affured of, pardy from the obler-
rations of fame oendemen, who wem up, and looked
on their watch:, when it began and ended ; one of
whom tells me it seaer,, and another, that it was
near s ; and partly from my own oblervations, which
were as follow. The preceding noon I had adjulted.
both my clock and watch to the apparent time, by
meridian hoe ; and the following noon I found,
that the watch had kept time coldly. Being awoked
by the earthquake, I lay till the violence of it limed
to be over for the fecood time, the firfi abatement
happening juft after I waked. Till then I forbore to
rife, becaufe the agitation was fo Yehernent, that. I
concluded it wuuld be difficult, if nos improCticable,

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