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f 490 I

very temperate, rather cool than warm ; and 16 con-

tinued Thurfday the 14th.
In my journal for Wednefday the 13th I 6nd the
following remarks, viz. " This evening's tide (from
6 A. till la A.) the wind at call, but moderate,
" with frequent flafhes of lightning to the fouth-
" ward. Soon after we got on board the floie-
" nail, a fquall of wind arofe from the kuth-weft
" on a (udder, and continued for about a minute ;
" part of which time it blew fo hard, sae expeded
" the malls to go by the board after which it was
p: feCtly,..calin, andprekntly after a breene re-

in the journal of the I oh is entered, " This

" morning's tide" (viz. from a M. to i A.) . the
" air and fel quite calm."
Hence it appears, how different the temper of the
air may be in a fmall diflance ; and to what fmall
fpaces fqualls of wind are fometimes confined.
It may not be surds further to obferve upon this
head, that once, in returning from Edvflone, having
got within about two miles of the kamhead, we
were becalmed; and here we rolled about for at kaft
four hours; and yet at the fame time law reads,
not above a league from us, going out of Plymouth
Sound with a frefh of wind, whok direftion was
towards us, as we could obferve from the trim of
their fails ; and as we ourfelves experienced, after
we got into it by tacking and ruining.
am, Sir,
Your moft humble Servant,
Furniral,lan Court,
tata Jan. 0113. J. Smeaton.

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