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Intimated above. For it is furnithed with Cenral

Gone cifterns, whofe inward dimenfions 2le propart
tinned to the ordinary fizc of art human baiy ; and
near them is a fpring, out of which the water wa
taken up, and poured into a balm hollowed out I.
the fide of the wall : from thence it ran along iult
groove or channel tut in the ends of the citizens, to
be let out upon the perfons bathing in thern, accorth
big to their pleafure, or as occafion Ihould requits
So likewife in the temple of Venus (az it is cook
monly called) near Bask, there is a large chamber
containing (event Gone feats for wafhiog, with little
cells contiguous to it for undrelling before, and
anointing the body and dreffing afterwards.
I have but one more panicular to add concern*
the apartment in the north-weft angle of the tem*
vie, that, when it was cleared of its robbilh, there mu
found in niche in ore of its fides a male and fume
figure naked, and in the mon flagrant aft of nand
lewdnefs. It is now (as we were informed) in
private room in the palace at Fortici, noccan be km
without the King's (pedal permiffion. In the Lune
place, probably, may tland the Rause of a lityr
an unnatural action with a goat, which was found at
Herculaneum, and a. they fay, oilexquiGte kulp-
ture, but concealed in the palace above-mentierei
with thc fanse firift care as the former.
Having thus viewed the fsvroal chambers 0 the
exterior parts of the building, it is requiGte (in coda
to a regular pro(ecution of our defign) to return to
the grand entrance. And here, palling thou' the
corridor above defcribed, we come to a fquare ccuo
or atrium, paved arida large flubs of white oarble

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