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&caked with blue or greyilh veins. At the diflance

of or feet further, in the Center of the faid c,rt,
Rood the temple proprrly fo oulled, conniving A
circular arm of 54 fed diameter, and eievated ahin:
the level of the pavement, fo as to admit an afcent
to it of five Reps (8), in four different parts anfwer-
ing to the four fides of the corridor. This arca is
furrounded with fideen pedeflals, on which formerly
were columns to (upped a rotundo or dome. Againfi
each of thefe columns, on the outfide, there teems
to have been placed a flame, and, in the interme-
diate !peon, vafcs for incenfe, or lavers for waffling.
upon low Rands on the Icor. In the middle of the
temple was eroded the grand altar, the traces of
which ill remain, with a fink or drain near it to
receive and carry off tbe blood of the vidims, fec.
Northward of the temple, and at the diflance
of as fizt, being the fame fpoce, that was be-
twvell it and the corridor at the entrance, was once
another Rarely veflibule or pavilion, fupported by
four CobollMS four feet and an half in diameter, and
of die Corinthian order, as appears by three of them,
which flill fubfill deriding in a line with the outer
face of the corridor. This pavilion ( if we may
judge by analogy from what we find in other tem-
plea) led so an trance reeds or facrariow terminating,
probably, in the fitment of a circle but of thts
we had no certain proof, as the rubbifh was not yet
removed from this part of the building.

(I) Pamir, Lin ii. en. 3. C.A. in Irma it. 4.011.-

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