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compole the branches, we find, that the knobs con-

fill of lade fponge-like tubes intenvonen together,
as rho, appear magnified at Fig. ) and the thank
or pan between the knobs is compofed of fkony
tubes, that are more meet (See :be piece nagnifed
at E): there tubes appear to IX branched frau the
lateral holes at FF. The Fig. E likewifc thews the
appearance of the tubes on the fiance of the main
The radiated openings in the /ink wart-like figures
on the (reface of the branches are guarded by eight
pointed niers, as magnified at Fig. I. dirk inclofe
the hrads of the polype, one of which is figured at K.
The ftern of this thecimen fu intirely clinched of
Us yellow mealy covering, that we may eaGly trace
the manner in which the animals, that compok it,
}Mon Off led op dlth bony tubular cells, which lie
fide by fide along the ftuface. Theft tubes have
hill hone marks of fpongineh at particular diihnces,
which, as they WOW to join together, form thofe
irregular crofi-lines, that furround the item in feveral
placet. See Fig. A.
In other fpecirnens I love oblerved the principal
hems covered over with oak-unions tubes, fuch as
I have defcribed in the Effay on Corallioes,
in that fpecies of kohophyton called Venues Fan.
Pale 26.
The fponginefs of the knobby joints occafions
that enceffinn britticrefs in the letfer branches ;
which accounts for the difficulty, which Rumphius
mentions, of gating good fpecimens of this beau-
tiful caul.
I have lately ken a white pipy and Itony coral
VnL.$o. Cc with

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