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In the fermi fyllem of Linnens, at this tine

generally received, and fo well ellablifhed, it belongs 4
to the Pentandria monogynia. or loch plants as hate
five !lamina and one ftyle. The plants of this ordm
arc arranged into five fubdivifions. The Attops
comes in among thole, that have declinated (lamina.
According to this method, we fhall give its generical
nharatters from the !aft edition of Limnos's GUY.
The moll obvious and effential chararaer of tit
genus is the gkbefe beny, ond Ira 4.4a. (8). Tie
general charafter is as follows.

Arm's, Linn. Gen. Plant. Ed. 5. N". 111.

The calyx is a gibbous pertnanont perianthitml,
formed of a fingle leaf divided into five acute leg-
The corolla is formed of a fingle bell-fluped
the tube of which is very fhort ; the limb ventrim(e,
of an oval figure, and longer than the calyx. The
mouth is thrill, expanded, and divided into five peaty
equal fegments.
The !lamina ate five fubulated filaments proceed-
ing from the bale of the flower, and are ol the fame
length : at the bale they are connivent, and at the
top bent outwardly. The anthem are thick and
The gerneen is of a ferniovated figure the kit
is filiform, of the length of the !lamina, and in-
ebriated. The fligtna is capitated, tranfverfely ob-
long, and alliargent.
it) Sec La, Syd. Nettne, edit. Lugd.Bat. 756. p 97. N....I.

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